To us, Rachel and Kara's age gap seems quite big. Only because Ethan and Rachel are 10 months closer in age. For the past 12+ months, I've wondered when they would start playing together and when their age gap would seem like it was closing in. And that time has come :) Its so fun to watch the girls play together and to see them interact well. Kara loves to watch and copy Rachel. Some days she just follows behind her, trying to do and say everything her big sister does and says. She also allows Rachel to treat her like her own personal baby doll and Rachel is thrilled with this. Pushing her sister around in the doll strollers, dressing her up in baby clothes and having her sit, stand and walk where she wants. Its all funny to watch. Kara does have a mind of her own though and it cracks me up how she puts her foot down when she doesn't want to do something. this was quite spontaneous and I thought, very cute I love having daughters... I imagine we'll al...