Hey, we haven't chatted in a while. Or, rather, I've not rambled at you in a while ;-) I don't have anything specific to talk about, just thought I'd poke my head in for a bit and say hi. I wish I had some grand subjects to go on and on about, but I don't. The more I feel like I have something to share/teach, the quicker God shows me that I don't. Listening and learning is still front and center for me. I'd love to share with you all the tricks on raising 4 kids {as if I know that yet} and I'd love to give you secrets on how to get amazing, home cooked meals on the table every night, while keeping your home amazingly clean and your children all neat and well behaved. If you ever see this in one place, just know one thing for certain - you are NOT at my house. I wanted to high five my husband last night when we got all 4 kids bathed and in bed by 9pm. Felt like such a victory. Then I realized how much I've lowered my standards over the years ;-) J...