Living Green

I added a new link to one of my all time favorite website. Its called Living Green and its Sara Snow's site. I have learned SO many wonderful tips from this woman and wanted to share. She's pretty popular, so I'm sure most of you know who she is.



laura said…
I really like her cooking show. The recipes usually look delicious, even if I can't eat most of them. I love how she includes really useful information about the properties of the foods she uses.

The green-nazi thing gets old though, I definitely believe in being good stewards of the environment but it seems to me that the whole global warming craze is just a natural extension of the atheist worldview. It's also promoting a lot of unwise, unsafe things such as CFL bulbs, which contain mercury and are best removed by a hazmat (!) team if they break. Or impractical fuel efficiency requirements that make cars less safe by making them more lightweight and less stable.

But...I still think it's great to eat organic and local and cook your own food. :-)
Trisha said…
I just saw her on Jon & Kate Plus 8! :)
Yeah, she's great about organic stuff- thanks for the link!
Stef said…
When was she on there?? I DVR that show and can't believe I missed it. I really like her. I like how she is big on well informing your kids about why they're doing things like turning the water off while brushing your teeth, etc.. Its all good stuff. I'm not as freakishly weird about the house hold cleaners and such (just because I'm too lazy to learn how to use the natural stuff). Anyway... she's cool. :)
Trish Thomas said…
I just saw her on Jon & Kate Plus 8! :)
Yeah, she's great about organic stuff- thanks for the link!

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