Please help me

I have never understood this craze with Sponge Bob Square Pants. I used to baby sit SO many kids that loved the show. They would sit and laugh hysterically at it and I would wonder... *is the TV sending some sort of drug into the living room to make these kids think its so funny?* I've never quite understood the humor and labeled it one of the dumbest shows out there.

Well guess what? My son adores the show. I'm not sure what happened to him. He thinks its so funny and can barely contain himself while he's watching it. I sit there and ask him "what do you like about this?" and he looks at me in total shock and says "Mommy, its Sponge Bob! Don't you know he's funny?!" I'm still lost.
Is there something I'm missing? We've known people who think shows like the Wiggles were very odd, but hey! at least they teach your kids something while they watch it. This is just pure stupidity. Jason says if I sit and watch long enough, it will grow on me.


Stef said…
Yeah, I've noticed since he's started watching it, he's began using the word "stupid" about everything. So today we had to talk about how that's not a nice word and we don't ever use it about people. Unless you're referring to the creators of Sponge Bob. Haha!
laura said…
lol! I don't really get it either and I've been trying to shield Jenna from it so she doesn't get into it. It's such a random, weird show to me. And you're right - I don't like all the words they use (like "stupid"). I worry about her repeating those enough due to her recent obsession with Toy Story. ;-)
Stef said…
Yeah, I hear ya. At least with us, we've decided with some things, they're going to hear it no matter where they go, so we just do our best to talk about why we don't use certain words. Some movies though, we've just said no to, because the entire movie is stuff we don't want our kids to emulate.
Ethan picks up on everything that a live person says. So if we're in Target and he hears someone say "oh my god" you better believe he'll try to repeat it or at least ask about it in the car.
Sometimes its nice, but sometimes I wish he was clueless. :)
Jason said…
I would add that Spongebob gets distilled in a steady diet of Kipper and Baby Einstein too, so at least the kids appreciate the more refined forms of entertainment as well.

Spongebob is just kooky, and it's ridiculous enough that it becomes funny in a this is so nuts you can't help but laugh sense. Then again, I was ruined by a broad public university education, so what do I know?
Emma has become my mime and says it's brainless, but then again, she begs to watch it because it's a forbidden fruit to her. I ask her to tell me something she has learned from it. Nothing. Nothing at all. Just a loss of brain cells.
jillyco said…
LOL! I can totally relate Stef. Kenny AND my kids think Sponge Bob is the funniest show ever. I used to think it was THE dumbest thing I'd ever seen, and when it first came out I thought "yeah right...this show is going to last about 3 weeks." HA!

Jason's right though, it will grow on you. Don't tell anyone, but I even laugh at it occasionally now, when no one is looking. ;o)
Stef said…
Ryan Rippee and his kids are big fans as well. I guess its pretty cute that a show was made more for dads and their kids. I'll deal with it. :)
Erin said…
It is the total absurdity, I think, that makes it funny.
I will confess, I laughed when I watched it. I've only seen it once, in Ireland (on my honeymoon! That's kinds weird...)

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