Rachel update... and Ethan too

Thank you ALL for your kind comments on my post about our "adventure" with Rachel. 
I wanted to post and say that she is doing really, really well. I think the meds kicked in and took care of her ear ache very quickly. The Doctor emailed me to let me know that the redness in her mouth could very well have been the fact that her teeth were cutting through, all at once. 
I can see all 4 teeth now, so hopefully we're all done with that. :) 

 Ethan woke up this morning at 3am, with a fever and throwing up. :( I was wondering if we were going to get hit with that since my Mom baby sat him for us on Wednesday night and by Thursday night she was throwing up. Thankfully this appears to be a 12-24 hour bug, because he's already running around the house, no fever, eating everything in sigh and talking our ears off. My Mom also began feeling fine after 24 hours, so it doesn't seem to be one of those yucky long ones. 

 Anyway... we didn't make it to Marine World today (once again!) but we did enjoy a nice, quiet day at home as a family. We bought season passes this year, so we know there will be lots of opportunities. I was telling my friend today that since having kids, I've learned not to get too attached to my plans. They often get canceled in the wee hours of the night, due to surprise illnesses. :) 

I've posted some pictures from this morning when Rachel helped Jason wash his car. I can't get over the last one -- she makes the same goofy face I made as a child. 
 Have a good Sunday everyone! 


Stef said…
I know... its been an eventful week here. :)
Ethan seemed totally fine Saturday afternoon, but late Saturday night into early Sunday morning he broke out in another fever. He threw up one last time around 6am this morning and has been completely fine ever since. Eating, playing, no fevers, etc... I think its over now. :)
Jessica said…
Glad to hear your kids are feeling better - probably makes you and Jason feel better too! We will chat soon! Love the pictures!
Jessica said…
Glad to hear you are all feeling better! Love the pictures...can't wait to chat - soon.
jillyco said…
Rachel is too cute with that big grin! Tim used to smile like that around that age too! We called it "the million dollar silly smile!" I have many pictures of him smiling that goofy smile! :oD
Stef said…
Million dollar smile... that's cute. Hers is just so goofy, it makes me laugh.

Okay, just to get my confusion straightened out... when it says Jess commented and then it says Jessica commented... which one of you is Jess and which one is Jessica? I only know of two Jess's on here... Jess Green and Jess Kemper.
Identify yourselves. :)
Jessica said…
Glad to hear you are all feeling better! Love the pictures...can't wait to chat - soon.
jillyco said…
Rachel is too cute with that big grin! Tim used to smile like that around that age too! We called it "the million dollar silly smile!" I have many pictures of him smiling that goofy smile! :oD
Stef said…
I know... its been an eventful week here. :)
Ethan seemed totally fine Saturday afternoon, but late Saturday night into early Sunday morning he broke out in another fever. He threw up one last time around 6am this morning and has been completely fine ever since. Eating, playing, no fevers, etc... I think its over now. :)

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