camera drama

Looks like it will take a long time before we get our old camera reimbursed or just buy a new one.
I'm having troubles with the insurance company and it looks like we're going to have to fight it out and hope we're obnoxious enough for them to cave. They basically wanted me to make sure the police report said the camera was stolen and not just "lost". He said even though the contract says it gets reimbursed if its lost, they really mean lost like, "in a different country". I kid you not, those were his exact words. Then, when I said I would just go have the police dept. change the wording (since it was stolen) he said "Well, you technically have to SEE it get stolen." What the heck?!

So, now I need to go back to the police dept. to have them change the wording, re-send my info and make a few, rather annoyed phone calls. Ug. Not what I wanted to make time for, but such is life.

I guess you'll continue seeing cell phone pictures for a while.


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