I don't normally do this...

... but tonight, I think its important I do. I'm pretty new to this blog and have enjoyed getting to know the author over the past few weeks. I love her photography and love the way she writes. Her style kind of drew me in. I'll admit, her blog look isn't my favorite, but its hers, so whatever.

Tonight's post especially caught my attention though. Especially. I loved the title and loved everything she had to say. And, I think its a great post for all fellow bloggers to read and mull over. It might do a few of us some good!

In my 5+ years of blogging, there are a few things I've learned.
1.) Some people just love reading blogs to catch up on your life, see the growth and development of your kids and enjoy reading about your every day (or weekly) adventures.
2.) Some people, would rather read your blog to pick apart everything you write, point out your children's flaws, gossip in their spare time about the way you blog and sit around wondering if your life is really as perfect as you make it sound.
3.) THEN! There are those that can't take total honesty, so if you ever dare to BE honest, they'll sit at home and gossip about how it sounds like you might be on the verge of a nervous break down, or you're probably not fit to have anymore children, they don't like the way your post sounded "in their face" etc, etc... It really begins to get quite ridiculous.

I learned a lesson a few years ago that, as painful and hurtful as it was, I appreciated the lessons God taught me from it. Remember the verse "what man intended for evil, God intended for good" ?? It really does apply in our lives. :)
My valuable blogging-or-commenting-on-other-blogs lesson was, to be careful with how I state my own personal opinions, and not to confuse them with God's Holy Word. Just because I read a passage of Scripture and glean some bit of wisdom from it, does not mean that's necessarily how it will apply to everyone else. To act like it should, is me either pretending to be God or adding to Scripture. The Holy Spirit guides and convicts. Not my blog. Its also not my job to be everyone else in the blog world's personal Holy Spirit. Some families will run their families in very different ways than I would, but it doesn't make my way the right way and their way the wrong way. However, that shouldn't keep us from posting about our own convictions, answers to prayer, desires in life, goals for our family, etc... just be sure you're not taking how God is leading YOU, to be the way He needs to lead everyone.

And so I learned that unless I'm directly quoting scripture or the command in the Bible is a "thou shalt not..." then I need to write it out as "MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION."

But what I loved about this post, was that she even touches on people who just can't seem to understand that we're all entitled to our own personal opinions. If you want to blog in Saudi Arabia, be my guest. Have everything you write monitored, and be called out on the carpet if you step on someones toes. I for one can't stand that type of person. Get off my blog and stop checking it everyday. Hasn't anyone told you yet that you're just a lazy trouble maker? Well, you've just been told.

Its the one reason I have a love/hate relationship with facebook. You don't like my status? You don't agree that the song I don't like or the song I do like, or the movie I thought was lame, or the movie I thought was awesome, wasn't exactly how you thought it was?! Who made you queen of the universe? (if you know, tell me, because I'd love that job!) I mean, seriously people. Why do you feel the need to click that comment button and put people in their place all day?

I don't think we can never correct people, or that we can never point out sin. If its sin, point it out. That's the right thing to do! If its that they got one of their facts wrong or were just misinformed, let them know. I'm sure they'd want to know! But why this urge to lurk around online being the "online police" ?? I don't get it. I really don't. Its a very argumentative way and only makes you look miserable with your life.

Oh sure, I can get all riled up when I read someones blog and either what they wrote about was a totally off color post or someones comment on another friend's blog just rubs me the wrong way. In some ways it gives me something to stew over for the entire day (because, we all know I need to find things to mull over in all my "spare" time). And lets face it, who isn't highly annoyed by "blogger police" and people who are always trying to ram their "my way is best and yours isn't" opinions down your throat?!

I'm sick and tired of the same things McMama is sick and tired of. Being super careful with what I say, making sure I don't step on anyone's toes, or make people feel bad for the way they do things, because I do them differently. And so, after reading her post, I've decided to do the same thing she's doing. Going back to my regular way of blogging. You don't like it? I never said you have to read my blog. I will do my very best to always bring glory to God with what I post about. I hope to never lead you astray or give you the impression that I'm something I'm really not. I think "honesty" is a good recipe to follow and have always done my best to be quite honest on my blog. I really do love Christ above all others and cherish His love for me the most. I really do adore my husband and think he's the most amazing guy in the whole world. And, I really do love, love, love being Mommy to my 3 precious little blessings. Really!
I try my best not to do anything out of pressure from friends, family or foe, and strive to live my life in light of the Gospel. I love the fact that so many of you have inspired and encouraged me by your blogs! There's a lot to love about the blog world and a lot to hate about it as well. But just like everything else in life, its tainted with sin.

Anyway, my rant is over. Just read this post. I think it might teach you some of the lessons it taught me. You'll be glad you read it. Honestly ;)


Krista said…
Ok, I will brace myself for some controversial posts. :)
Stef said…
haha! you know it :)

Can't promise anything purposefully controversial... just not going to be so "toe stepping" careful.

Thanks for the chat tonight!
Krista said…
Ok, I will brace myself for some controversial posts. :)

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