what is beauty?

I love sunsets. 
You guessed that by now, I'm sure. 
Even the ones on gloomy days are typically beautiful. 
And I know we do have a great view from how high up our house is, but tonight, the entire sky, no matter where you looked, was completely deep pink with fading sunlight. 
It was a-mazing. 

and I know its a lot of sunset pictures, but I took them from all different spots
in the sky, so you could see just what I'm talking about. 
Complete beauty. Just like God. When I see beauty like this 
and remember He gives these glimpses to us of what beauty is... 
it reminds me of how much more beautiful HE is. The One who painted this sunset for us. 
Thank you Jesus. 

I had fun with this angle :) 

from our family room window... 

just before it finally dipped. 


Dad Loves Jesus said…
I love the one with the reflection in the window. You should upload that to Flickr or Picasa and get it voted on. Sweet!
Mrs. Stam said…
Those picture are amazing!!! But the one that the sunset reflect in the window is my favorite!!!!
Krista said…
That is insane! What gorgeous colors!
That's an amazing sky with amazing shots to match! Nature's beauty never ceases to amaze me.
Erin said…
Amazing!!!! The 1st photo is my fave.
Dad Loves Jesus said…
Is this taken with the Nikon D40? Any filters? What was the iso set to?
Stef said…
its the Nikon, yes. I don't think we have the D40 though. Maybe the next one up?
No filters, just turned the flash off.
I have NO idea how to use cameras, so my pictures are very dumbed down :)
Charlotte said…
These are really beautiful, Stef! I especially liked the one of the reflection of the sun in the window.
Gina said…
These are great! As a sunset lover myself, check out the work at
Stef said…
its the Nikon, yes. I don't think we have the D40 though. Maybe the next one up?
No filters, just turned the flash off.
I have NO idea how to use cameras, so my pictures are very dumbed down :)
That's an amazing sky with amazing shots to match! Nature's beauty never ceases to amaze me.
Dad Loves Jesus said…
I love the one with the reflection in the window. You should upload that to Flickr or Picasa and get it voted on. Sweet!

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