Answering Laura's ?
I'm actually making the recipe this weekend. I love making special treats like that. Laura, to answer your question (without writing a book) I think these links best sum it up.
Just so everyone is clear on this, I do not think you're a bad person, parent or caregiver if you feed soy products to your family. This is simply the road Jason and I have chosen to take for our family.
I'm not a fan of dairy products in general (though I think they taste divine!) but I am yet to find healthy and safe alternatives for them. Our kids are not your typical milk drinking kids. They do drink milk, just not as many glasses a day as some. I'm a big fan of drinking water and for added calcium, they eat a lot of dark leafy greens and other healthy sources that give their bodies the calcium they need.
We typically stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup, too much sugar (unless its grown in the food, such as fruit) and I do NOT feed our kids any artificial sweeteners of any kind. We eat mostly whole grains; brown rice only and try to bake without using flour, if at all possible. Which often times is just not possible to avoid. Whole wheat flour has been a God send, though many of you know you can't always use that when baking or your food will turn out... flat. We also don't eat food with MSG in it. So, it makes shopping (and eating out) a bit harder for us, but its doable. We're not freakishly paranoid over here either. You will always find some sort of ice cream in the freezer, candy in the pantry and other such evil foods lurking around.
These are pretty much guidelines we follow and don't expect everyone else to agree. This post isn't meant to be a debate, but to answer a friend's question.