This marks the one thousandth blog post for me ! If you added the blogging over at, I'm sure it would be far more, but I haven't blogged over there since Kara was a baby. For my simple mind, Blogger worked out much better for me. Sorry, husband. I've been at this blogging thing for almost 8 years and I'm still not sick of it! I like to write {never thought I'd say that} and I really enjoy interacting with people; friends and then strangers who become friends. Its great and its been a great way for us to share our day-to-day life with our families, since we moved. Jason and I have been mulling around what I should do for a 1,000 blog post giveaway, just for fun. Not because I think my 1,000 post is as special to all of you as it is to me. We tossed around the idea of a Kindle, since Amazon dropped the price, but it was still... too much for me. We settled on a fun idea. You get to pick the final result, so read on and then be ...
Isn't God good to give us these beautiful glimpses of His greatness and His wondrous creation?!