Coming down...

This morning the kids were getting the biggest thrill out of seeing the rain. For Rachel it was the first time and she was screaming with excitement. I started singing the song "Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!" and Ethan stopped me and said "But Mommy! You told me we want the rain to come so God can water the world!" It was then that I realized... we're never happy. When its hot its too hot and when its cold, its too cold. When it rains, we're annoyed and when we haven't had rain in a while... we beg God to send some so we don't go into a drought.
Even the news anchors do it! Its nuts.
And so I ask.... are we ever happy and thankful?
My other question is... what are some fun things you moms do with your kiddos when its raining outside? We got blankets out this morning and made a fort from the coffee table to the couch, which was great until Rachel decided to take the roof off. :) I taught then how to play hide-and-seek, but that didn't go over too well and then lit some candles, watched a movie and ate popcorn. After that, we decided it was time to go visit Nana. The rule is, when in doubt, go to Nana's house. :)
As for being happy...the answer is sadly no. I gripe a little about things when it gets "too hot" (which is around 75 degrees for San Franciscans) but oh, the weeping and nashing of teeth when it rains! At least afterward, the air smells so delicious. That's my favorite thing about the rain. Unfortunately the grass is always greener it seems.
And rainy days...we used to make forts like you did! My kids used to love to do that. We've move furniture and get out tons of blankets! Then we'd get pillows and books and popcorn! I love rain!
The moments we sometimes receive from God are like a breath from heaven - rain is one of those things for me.
The moments we sometimes receive from God are like a breath from heaven - rain is one of those things for me.