
A family I teach piano to was very kind to let me borrow their Little House on the Prairie (all 9 seasons) DVDs! I have been watching season 1 with Ethan and have really been enjoying this walk down "memory lane." Its fun seeing Ethan watch them for the first time and enjoying them as much as I did. He gets very into the story line; asking me about the different characters and often saying "she is NOT a nice girl" about Nelly Olsen. :)
I love how simple the show is. Nothing too scandalous, but plenty of pretty deep topics that are nicely discussed for a family setting. I think I will invest in this series next time I see it for sale at Costco. Its been nice to be able to be lazy on the couch while Rachel naps and at least get some down, quiet time with my boy.

What are some of your favorite throw-backs to watch?


NorcalFam said…
Ooooh yes, and please email me when/if you do find them at Costco!
We are currently (attempting to read) reading the Little House books to start off our family (devo) time at night before the girls go to bed. ~Suzy
NorcalFam said…
Oooh and please email me if/when you do find them at Costco! We are actually starting up the Little House books right before bedtime. It has been a good way to get the kiddos settled down for devotions. ~Suzy
Um, I really like the Waltons. I really enjoy Little House. Andy Griffith is great as well.
jillyco said…
I love Little House!!! I've been thinking about buying it at some point b/c I think Lizzy will LOVE it.
laura said…
Anne of Green Gables is always a favorite. Despite my life-long devotion to the Little House books, I never got into the show because Melissa Gilbert annoyed me...go figure, I think I was like 10 the last time I watched them. :-) But I always love Anne of Green Gables...and Masterpiece on PBS is running "The Complete Jane Austen" which is pretty much heaven.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE Little House. I'm reading the book series to the girls. I think I'm going to invest in the DVDs as well. My all time favorite movie series is Five Mile Creek. Do you remember that? I happened to pick up a bunch of them from a video store that was selling them. I still love to watch them!
Stef said…
Jenn - We love Five Mile Creek! I've been able to purchase several (all but 5 of them) from ebay. I need the last 5 and they get very expensive, since they're discontinued. Be glad you got them from that store before they sold them to someone else!

I'm always amazed how many people have never seen that series.
Erin said…
An old favorite show of mine is Leave it to Beaver. But, I haven't seen that in forever. I like Little House, too.
Trisha said…
Five Mile Creek is THE BEST! Love it.
I also love Anne of Green Gables and Little House is more of a sweet memory...the show is a bit boring for me. K watches it now and then and likes it a bit. The books are fabulous though!!
Emma is loving The Neverending Story...
T. Thomas said…
Five Mile Creek is THE BEST! Love it.
I also love Anne of Green Gables and Little House is more of a sweet memory...the show is a bit boring for me. K watches it now and then and likes it a bit. The books are fabulous though!!

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