
Getting out of the car at the Tracy outlets:
"Mommy, I never ever want to live here because every time we come here it smells like cow poo-poo."

Talking about his cousins' parents:
E - "Who is Madison's Mommy?"

S- "Aunt Amber... you know who she is, right?"

E- "Oh yeah. I renember Amber. But what's her Daddy's name?"

S- "Uncle Jeremy. Do you remember him? He has light brown hair and we went to the park with him when he was at Papa and Nana's house?"

E- "Oh. Yes. I renember him. He likes bread." (only those of you who really know Jeremy will get that one!)

Today at Target I saw a new born Cabbage Patch doll on the clearance rack for $3.75 - I was super excited to find such a cheap doll! It was a little black baby and I kind of thought that was perfect because Ethan has been wanting his own doll for a while and I figured this way, we could tell very easily which doll belongs to who. I held the doll up to him and said "Ethan, would you like me to buy this baby doll for you?!"
Here is his reply...
"No thanks, because when we get home it would take too long to wash all the dirt off her body."
Needless to say, we had a long talk on the way home about how God created ALL the people on the earth and how we all look different - not one person is the same. :)

Today I had the ultra sound for the baby (to check to see if my placenta had moved) and I brought home a bunch of cool pictures to show the kids. I showed Ethan a picture of her face, with her eyes open (totally cool, but kind of freaky looking) and I asked him if he wanted to keep it in his room. Here was his reply...

"Um... no thanks... this is scary looking and will give me bad dreams."


Emily said…
So has the placenta moved?
Stef said…
yes it has, thanks!
Stef said…
yes it has, thanks!

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