Google Image Survey
I saw this google survey on my friend's website and her rules were "if you read this, consider yourself tagged!" so here I am. Enjoy, Jess!
Oh, by the way... I have the same rules. :)
Rules: You must answer each question by typing your response into Google and picking your favorite image from the FIRST page of links. Have Fun with It!
My first name:
(I picked the picture of Stefanie Powers because she's where my parents got the idea for my spelling... off the show Heart to Heart)

My Age:

My Favorite Color:
(Blues of course)

My favorite food:
(I'm Italian, what can I say?)

Oh, by the way... I have the same rules. :)
Rules: You must answer each question by typing your response into Google and picking your favorite image from the FIRST page of links. Have Fun with It!
My first name:
(I picked the picture of Stefanie Powers because she's where my parents got the idea for my spelling... off the show Heart to Heart)

My Age:

A past love:
(I miss diving... every time I get into a pool and smell the chlorine, I can remember my diving days so vividly.)
(I miss diving... every time I get into a pool and smell the chlorine, I can remember my diving days so vividly.)

My Favorite Color:
(Blues of course)

My favorite food:
(I'm Italian, what can I say?)

A past pet:
(our family's Cocker Spaniel, Taffy)
(our family's Cocker Spaniel, Taffy)

Favorite place to be:
(with the man I'm married to)
(with the man I'm married to)

My favorite Object:
(anything having to do with Christmas time)
(anything having to do with Christmas time)

A bad habit:
(okay, I copied Jess here, but it SO fits me. I do love my laptop.)
(okay, I copied Jess here, but it SO fits me. I do love my laptop.)

Yep. I dove for about 4+ years. I loved it and maybe in another life, I'll start it up again. :)
Yep. I dove for about 4+ years. I loved it and maybe in another life, I'll start it up again. :)