Her progress

Rachel has done super well with potty training. I had a feeling she would, considering how eager she was to start. Sunday went fine. She drank lots of fluids for us, peed about every 15-20 minutes and only had 3 accidents all day. Each time she wet her pants she'd run into the room we were in yelling "I went pee-pee, I need clean underwears!" So I had to keep reminding her that the underwear needs to stay dry and the pee-pee needs to go in the potty every time. Then Monday started off not so good at all. I took the over load of fluids away and let her just drink as she wanted to and told her "tell Mommy when you need to go potty". She had many accidents in the morning. Each time she would act totally un-bothered by it. She came to the potty, took her pants off, and asked for new ones. I sat there thinking "there's no way we're going to do this." So I told her she didn't get any candy or stickers unless the pee-pee went IN the potty.
I would say for 4 hours we struggled, feeling like maybe she just wasn't getting it, but I told myself I was hanging in there for 14 full days before giving up.
By Monday, later afternoon, she was having way less accidents and getting to the potty by herself to go. At bedtime I put her in a diaper and she continued to get out of bed to go potty. :) I had to finally tell her that eventually she needs to just fall asleep and if she goes in her diaper, its okay because she's sleeping. She seemed OK with that idea... but got up probably 4 times to go, before she fell asleep.

She woke up this morning, came into our room and said "Mommy! I need to take off my diaper and get underpants!" I took her diaper off and noticed... completely dry! Huge surprise, since Ethan doesn't even do that yet. We were so proud of her, but I continued telling myself that she still could slip back. So far, all day today, she hasn't wanted to be reminded. Every time I say "do you need to use the potty?" she replies with "No... I will tell you when its coming." And she's right! She's been walking to the potty, taking her own pants down and going all by herself. We even ran some errands (I was so worried the whole time) and when I would say "Rache, are you still dry?" she'd reply with "Yes Mommy... I will tell you when I need to go." :)
We've been amazed. Ethan wasn't very hard to train either, but he was practically 3 years old, so we kind of assumed it would go fast.

We're heading off to Target to buy her prize for being such a big girl... she's requested a pink nerf gun. :)


Erin said…
Hooray!!! I am so glad for you girls! Good job!
Krista said…
YAYAYAY!! Go Rachel, it sounds like she is totally and completely getting it. Good job you guys.
Sweet!!! That is so cool! Keep your head up Stef!
Stef said…
Thanks, girls. :) Its exciting to realize that the hard part is truly over. She gets it and is so proud to be the big girl, going all by herself.
I can't believe it will be at least 2 years until we're here again!
Amber said…
Way to go Rachel!
jillyco said…
Good job Rachel (and Stef too!)

I chuckled when I read the part about you going to Target and asking her about having to go. I know I drove my kids CRAZY on those first 'diaper free' outings.

"Do you have to go potty?" "NO."

<3 minutes later> "Do you have to go potty?" "NO!"

<3 minutes later> "Are you sure you don't have to go now?"

You get the picture! haha!
Stef said…
haha, Jill. Your comment made me laugh so hard. Its SO true. Every once in a while she'll give me this look like "if you ask me again, I'll pee on YOU!" I know that's what she's thinking.
She's still doing well. I think we're down to only one accident a day!
Melissa Joy said…
That's so awesome! What a big girl (what a good mommy too). And I want to see the pink Nerf gun. ;)
Stef said…
Sadly, we could not find pink and she didn't want to settle with yellow. So we bought a Cinderella Barbie doll instead. :)
Stef said…
haha, Jill. Your comment made me laugh so hard. Its SO true. Every once in a while she'll give me this look like "if you ask me again, I'll pee on YOU!" I know that's what she's thinking.
She's still doing well. I think we're down to only one accident a day!
Stef said…
Thanks, girls. :) Its exciting to realize that the hard part is truly over. She gets it and is so proud to be the big girl, going all by herself.
I can't believe it will be at least 2 years until we're here again!
Erin said…
Hooray!!! I am so glad for you girls! Good job!

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