Its begun

I have decided to be a good Mommy and start the potty training process today! I say "be a good Mommy" because Rachel has been so eager to start and I keep putting it off. Yes, yes, if you don't know yet, I'm lazy.
We start our Bible studies in 3 weeks and she's going to be in the 2's and 3's class this year and they do prefer that all the kids be toilet trained, but they will take them in diapers, if they need to. I just figured it will be much simpler to do it now and not trying with a brand new baby in the house.

She loves wearing her underpants. Lately we find her with no diaper on and when we ask her where she put it, she tells us "I took it off over there... I don't like diapers anymore."
My only issue is getting her to understand that the pee-pee always has to go in the potty. Its never OK to wet her big girl panties.

Another reason I'd like to train her now is because several of her other friends are in training and I could use the support. :)
I'm a huge fan of starting something and not looking back, so my plan is that this is it for her. We put her diapers away today and talked about how we're only going to wear them at night for bedtime. My prayer now is that this takes about 5 days or less and we won't have to be in hibernation for too long. I don't mean 5 days for her to be a pro at it, but at least able to go longer amounts of time in-between potty breaks and also able to understand a bit more when she needs to go.

Wish us luck!


Emily said…
Good luck! We're in the process, too. We have also put away the diapers by day and switched into big-boy undies. Jackson is doing okay. We're 1 week in, and he still averages about 1 accident per day. He's perfect when he runs around naked, but has a bit more trouble when the undies are on. It's quite a process, and we'll celebrate together when Rachel and Jackson can say goodbye to diapers forever!
william said…
Not that I believe in "luck," per se, but "GOOD LUCK" in the not-so-much-luck-but-rather-hope-it-goes-well-with -you kind of way...

jillyco said…
Hope it's going well! I must admit, that potty training was probably my least favorite training with kids. :) Sounds like Rachel is ready though, so maybe it will be easy! And a good idea to do it before baby comes.
Stef said…
thanks everyone! she's done extremely well and taken to it faster than we ever imagined. I guess SHE was ready. :)

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