McCain's Choice for VP - Governor Sarah Palin

Couldn't be happier and I think it was a smart move on his part. I've already heard the liberals making comments about how few qualifications she has and I'm dying to know... what are Obama's major qualifications for President of the United States? I can come up with two that have been the only two I can find. He's black and can be very charismatic in reading speeches that have been written for him. Just beware - don't catch him in an open forum setting... its like watching SNL. :)

Anyway, the race is on! Don't forget to vote on November 4th. If you're not registered get out there and register! This is one of the best ways we can make a difference and serve our Country. If you don't vote, you're not allowed to complain or give your opinion for the next 4 years. ;-)

Here's Wikipedia's run down on Governor Palin.
Also, go here for my friend's take on this election. I love her point of view and the way her mind works. :)


Emily said…
Ah yes, a very good move on McCain's part! This could be the straw that tips the scales in his favor. And believe me, I will be at the polling place come election day!
laura said…
I am so incredibly delighted by McCain's pick. My husband's been predicting for awhile that he will surprise conservatives, and he certainly has by picking Palin. She is a woman of strong personal conviction, especially when you consider how she has put her pro-life values into action in her own life.
I love the kind of reactions it's provoking from Democrats, whose true colors definitely come out when they get worried (and boy, are they worried about McCain-Palin!).
McCain could have picked a Washington insider, one of the good ol' boys, but instead he stuck with his unconventional streak and picked someone so far from the same old same old. She is a breath of fresh air and I am so excited to see how this election plays out.
Obama has tried to be the candidate of hope and change from the outset, but when push came to shove, he caved and chose a guy like Joe Biden, who couldn't be more entrenched in politics-as-usual. It took McCain to pick someone new and fresh. Hurray!
Incidentally, I think we can prepare for some really ugly confrontations on the abortion issue since this election will now pit Obama, one of the most vicious and aggressive abortion proponents in the country (who doesn't even believe in protecting infants born alive during late term abortions) against a woman who is practically the torch-bearer for the sanctity of life. Sarah Palin, more than almost any other woman of power these days, is an awesome testimony for the cause of the unborn. Obama and his supporters have no qualms disposing of children like her son Trig.
I am so pleased with the way this race is shaping up. :-)
Stef said…
Ah yes, the Democrats. They don't fight fair... I've always said that. They totally contradict themselves and never call each other on the carpet for it.
I am so totally excited about the 4th! Especially since we might have our Election party with you guys! Seriously... we want to do that, so let us know if you'd really come.

Any other takers?? you know our address. :)
Unknown said…
Laura- Ditto what you said. You are an incredible writer! There is now way I could have said it better :)

Go McCain/Palin! McCain's sanctity of life voting record is flawless. The main reason I voted for him over the other candidates in the Primary. It seems that must be a very important matter to him especially in choosing such a Pro-Life VP.

I am hoping that this just the beginning of the good surprises from our future President! :)

Election parties are awesome! However, I am usually so on edge that I feel sick.
Stef said…
I have no idea who Chris is, but I totally agree with you! :) The on edge, sick feeling makes it all more fun and when friends are there, its kept me from getting too sick to my stomach over it all.
Sorry, Stef! I was at home checking my work e-mail. It is registered to my dad. LOL. That was actually Jessica!! :)
Stef said…
haha! I Jess. :) I kept thinking of all my friends and wondering who is married to a Chris. I did think of one, but when she comments its not usually his name. The mystery is solved!
Sorry, Stef! I was at home checking my work e-mail. It is registered to my dad. LOL. That was actually Jessica!! :)
Chris said…
Laura- Ditto what you said. You are an incredible writer! There is now way I could have said it better :)

Go McCain/Palin! McCain's sanctity of life voting record is flawless. The main reason I voted for him over the other candidates in the Primary. It seems that must be a very important matter to him especially in choosing such a Pro-Life VP.

I am hoping that this just the beginning of the good surprises from our future President! :)

Election parties are awesome! However, I am usually so on edge that I feel sick.
Emily Bertholic said…
Ah yes, a very good move on McCain's part! This could be the straw that tips the scales in his favor. And believe me, I will be at the polling place come election day!

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