More time with friends

I am kicking myself right now because today we had our friends, the Adams over and I didn't take any pictures!! I put my camera in my room on the charger before they came and then totally forgot about taking it out when they were here. Erin Adams has been a very dear friend to me almost my whole life (pretty much as far back as I can remember) and today she came to visit with her two (adorable) kids, Gillian and Peyton. I had the most fun holding sweet little Peyton. He is all baby soft and cuddly, full of smiles and cooing. Oh my. After she left I was seriously aching to hold my baby. I hadn't realized how much I miss those precious baby days and also, how long its actually been since we've lived through them.
I also got another glimpse of how much my daughter needs to learn how to share her toys and books. My goodness! Rachel has decided that she's marked all her toys and if you come within 2 inches of them, she literally freaks out. I think she's used to sharing with Ethan, but gets very territorial when someone comes in from the outside. It really was eye opening for me to see that today... and very depressing. One more thing to add to our "working on character list".
Anyway, we had such a nice visit and Ethan is still talking about how much he liked Gillian and thinks we should name our baby that. :)

I'm watching the new episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 right now and dreaming, dreaming, dreaming about our upcoming vacation! In this episode they're at a beach house in North Carolina and it just looks so marvelous. We won't be on the beach, but its still a vacation and I can't wait!
That was so random, I know.


Emily said…
Where are you going for your vacation, and when?
Stef said…
we're staying at a cabin for a week up near Yosemite... near the end of October. So its not like "just around the corner" but I know with the baby's birth and all, it will get here fast. :)
jillyco said…
Glad you had a fun visit! And your vacation sounds fun! We have never taken our kids to Yosemite!! Isn't that awful??
Erin said…
Thanks for hostessing us! I was great to finally make it out to Brentwood again! Good to see you & your kiddos & good to see Emily, too!
Stef said…
Jason and I have never gone to Yosemite together, so this will be a fun first for us as well!
The cabin is at Pine Mountain Lake, just south of Yosemite. Can't wait!
jillyco said…
Glad you had a fun visit! And your vacation sounds fun! We have never taken our kids to Yosemite!! Isn't that awful??
Emily Bertholic said…
Where are you going for your vacation, and when?

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