School is in!

I have several home schooling moms that read my website and many of you have been starting up that adventure this year, with your kids! I applaud you all, as it doesn't look to be the easiest job in the world. I've only slightly begun to see the huge sacrifice my Mom made in teaching the 5 of us, and I'm learning more and more to be grateful for the gift she gave to me. Its funny how I thought I was super thankful and grateful back during my single days... haha! So much I've learned in marriage, keeping a home and now raising our kids.

Today my friend Emily posted a fun read on her blog about the top 5 benefits to home schooling. I enjoyed reading them, it brought back wonderful memories of my early school days and really gets me excited to start this adventure with Ethan in only 2 years! We already do little preschool text books during the day now, crafts, lots play dates with friends, field trips and lots of other stuff... but its so super casual and nothing I plan to pressure him with since he's only 3. Right now I am enjoying life with him, teaching as I go along -- but we're not calling it school yet. :)

Anyway, I know you home schooling moms out there will enjoy this read!


jillyco said…
Thanks for sharing. We are going to be getting started in a couple of weeks too. Right now I'm in the throes of planning out our year (multiplied by four kids) so it's taking a long time. :)
Stef said…
Yes, I imagine its much simpler when you only have one in school. :)
Although... do you use curriculum with planned out lesson plans for the school year or do you have to plan everything? I think I've already decided that I will have to pick a curriculum that comes planned out. :)
Trisha said…
Go homeschooling moms! Tough stuff...such a sacrifice too. I think it's great that you are already working with Ethan - it's amazing what kids learn just by doing the little things everyday!
Stef said…
yeah, like I said though, we keep it extremely simple and don't make a fuss over it. Not too worried that it will impact his college years. :)
Trish said…
Go homeschooling moms! Tough stuff...such a sacrifice too. I think it's great that you are already working with Ethan - it's amazing what kids learn just by doing the little things everyday!

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