Tuesday play fun!

Every Tuesday our friend Caedmon Rippee comes over for a few hours, while his mom helps out in his brother's class at school. The kids love playing with Caedmon and I've enjoyed the time its given me to teach them more about sharing, being more caring and outward focused and just being over all good hosts when they have friends over!

I came around the corner and found her just sitting here... not sure what to do.

but being a good sport about it!

Our big 3 1/2 year old boy


the boys mowing the lawn with Rachel's pink bubble blowing lawn mower :)


jillyco said…
haha on the pink bubble mower. Hey, it's a lawnmower...who cares what color it is! You've got future yard workers there! :)
Stef said…
I know huh? they could care less that its pink. :)
your kids are so cute, stef! Caedmon (what a great name!) is adorable too!
Stef said…
thanks Heather! I like his name too... he's our Pastor's youngest son (until February when his brother or sister is born) and I bet you can guess who one of their favorite Christian Groups is. :)

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