Last night was inside-out night at AWANA! Ethan was a little weirded out by wearing his clothes inside-out, but it soon grew on him. :) He also passed his entrance booklet and was awarded his Cubbies bag and book! His vest comes in a couple weeks, after he passes the first couple of verses in his book.
Its been fun memorizing the short verses with him and also hearing Rachel learn them at the same time. Yesterday she was walking down the hallway saying "When we were sinners... Jesus died for us!" too cute.

showing off his "goofy" outfit

"Why are my pockets hanging out?"

accepting his awards (my flash didn't work quit right)

with his new bag and book

showing off the bag!


jillyco said…
How cute! But why the inside out clothes? Was that the theme for the evening? :)
Stef said…
Yes. Almost every week there's a different theme and last week's was "wear your clothes inside-out." I think they have backwards night coming up as well. The best part is seeing the leaders take part in it. :)
Anonymous said…
We Love AWANAs!!! Maya is right where Ethan is. She just has to say a couple of verses and she gets her vest. We don't have those cool bags though! I wish we did. I'll have to ask. ;)
Stef said…
I loved the bag idea! I would have just bought him one at Target if they didn't offer it. I think they ordered them straight from the company where you get the vests and such. I wanna say it was around $10

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