
Seems the days are literally flying by around here. I can't believe we're back around to Sunday again. Amazing.
This past week was packed full, but loads of fun! I'm not dealing with too much tiredness these days and I'm thankful for that, because there's a lot to do right now.

1st weekend in September - we ventured to Monterey Bay! My Mom's 53rd birthday was on the 6th and we had made plans to go BBQ at a fun park in Los Gatos that we used to go to all the time when we were little. Unfortunately, the weather was slated to be 95+ degrees that day and so our next idea was a day in Monterey! Jason and I (and the kids) went early on Friday night and stayed in a Motel, enjoying waking up already there on Saturday morning. My parents, my sister Trish and her family arrived Saturday and we spent the day on the beach, climbing rocks, in the pool at the hotel and then out to our favorite pizza place for dinner. After dinner we went to the wharf for ice cream and spent time there looking around and enjoying the night life.

We all came home Sunday and we made it home just in time for registration night for AWANA.
Ethan was a bit off from all the traveling, but he still warmed up and really enjoyed himself. He's been working on his first two verses this week (and the Cubbies motto-- "Jesus Loves Me") and he's very excited to go back this Sunday night. I think this is going to be a challenge for Jason and I, as well as him - we've got to learn the verses as well, can't let our 3 year old out do us!

Our 2 morning Bible studies started up and... wow. Can't say much else, other than I'm totally excited about these studies. Wednesday morning is CBS and we're going to be studying the books of Amos and Isaiah. I have never actually done a study through Amos, so I'm thrilled. On Friday mornings its the women's Bible study at church and we're going through the Beth Moore DVD and book series "Breaking Free". I can tell God already has great plans in using this study in powerful ways in my life... and I'm thrilled to see and learn what He has to teach me!
The kids absolutely love their classes. They are coming home beaming with stories about what they learned, the new friends their making and how excited they are to go back. Every morning Ethan will ask "is today another Bible Study day??" frowning when I say its not.
We started our park day play dates up again on Friday, after the study and that was super fun. Always nice to let the kids play with their friends and then me enjoying Mommy time.

Jason and I began our Bible classes on Thursday evenings (we're in different ones) and are very much enjoying those. Mine is on Biblical Theology and last Thursday was such a blessing. Just going over the Doctrines of grace; God's mercy and goodness to me and remembering His attributes afresh. Its going to be a great class as well.

Friday night was my baby shower and that was such a blast! I had so much fun celebrating the upcoming arrival of our baby girl and it was super special to spend that time with my friends from church. Thank you to my Mom and Trisha for such a beautiful time. I really enjoyed myself and was so thankful to have that time with everyone. Also, I was extremely thrilled to see some of my long time friends from out of town come in for the event. Jessica Smits, Jess Green and Laura - thank you so much for coming! You made the night that much more special to me and I totally appreciated it.

As many of you know, the other rather exciting (surprising) news was that my due date has been changed! I'm officially due on September 25th now. My OB called the other day to tell me that she realized on my medical record that since getting pregnant, the baby (and me) have always measured one week ahead. She's not sure why she didn't catch it until now. She just thought the baby measured bigger at my 32 week ultra sound and then noticed I've always been that way. So... in her words "don't be panicked if October 2nd comes and you're still pregnant, but don't be shocked if she comes any day now." :)
Its pretty exciting because at our church there are several of us who are pregnant (due in the next 2+ weeks) and so its literally "baby watch" these days.
We are of course thrilled and very anxious to meet our little one.

This week I'll be doing a huge grocery shopping day and then taking the next day to make 8+ meals for us, to put the freezer for after the baby's birth. I have meals coming to me from ladies at church, but I remember after Rachel was born, when those meals stopped and it was on me to start preparing nice, nutritious meals every night, I found it to be a bit overwhelming. Especially on those days when we're super busy and rarely home. Kind of hoping this helps me ease back into my normal routine better. We shall see!
Thankfully once she arrives we'll be used to our every day routine, enjoying our couple days a week with nothing on the calender, loving Sundays as a family as usual, and able to take a breather to adjust to life with 3 babies in the house.
I've had several kind friends tell me that after you have 2 kids, 3 isn't so hard. The other day when I said that to a lady at the store, she replied with "Yeah? Well ask your friends if their oldest was 3 years old when they had their 3rd child." I think she thought she was being encouraging but it totally freaked me out.

I'm trying to keep up with blogging and posting pictures now, because I have no idea how easy that will be once she arrives. I'm either going to be completely overwhelmed and crazed, not notice too much change, or a little bit of both. I'm hoping for the latter. :) I do have pictures to upload from the past 2 weeks... but I can't get to it right now.

Hope you all have a fabulous week!

**can't believe I forgot... I started teaching piano lessons again last week. My plan is to teach up until her birth and then take a month off after she's born. I have 7 students and they're each very different, but very talented and eager to learn - which is always fun. This is my first year teaching a student in book level 5, and its been eventful so far!


jillyco said…
Glad you had a fun week Stef... sounds busy though! Wow! And good for you for doing that cooking ahead of time. You will be so glad you did! I did that before Lizzy was born and it was SOOOO nice!!
Stef said…
Good to know! I had the idea after Rachel was born and wished I had thought of it ahead of time. :)
big hair betty said…
People are so weird! They really should just keep their mouths shut unless they have something REALLY happy and positive to say! Yes, my 3rd came when my oldest was 3 1/2 yrs old and I still say that going from 2-3 is easier than 1-2. You will be just fine Stef!! Your kids play together well, you're organized, you've got great family and friends! You are blessed by our GREAT God!

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