
Not in labor yet. I know its been the burning question for some of you. :)
I've had some pretty intense hours with contractions coming anywhere from 3-6 minutes apart, but none that actually "go" anywhere. We get all excited and then its like "Nope. Not time!" I did the same thing when I was pregnant with Rachel, so I'm not terribly surprised. We had false labor for about 2 weeks and then she came super fast when my body finally decided to really go into labor.
I'm carrying lower this time, showing signs that I'm much closer to labor and feeling like my body is ready, so we'll see if it happens faster this time or still takes a couple weeks. Its been fun to see the kids get even more excited as they see me having contractions. Last night, I had to laugh... I'm sitting on my bed, in the middle of one painful contraction and so my eyes are closed, I'm just trying to focus and relax... Ethan walks up and lays his hand on my knee and says "Mommy, its gonna hurt when she comes out so you can squeeze my hand a lot if you need to." I've never laughed during a contraction and it was... interesting.
Last night we thought for sure it was happening, so we told Ethan to get some sleep because it might be a big night. He ran off to bed so excited and when he got up this morning, he came around the kitchen corner with this huge smile on his face, saw my stomach (was still full of baby) and his entire countenance just fell. He came up to my chair and said "You still didn't have her, did you?" :(

I'm trying to get on with life as much as I can. I'm finishing off my grocery shopping tonight and then starting to cook tomorrow. I cannot tell you how excited I am that we are expecting such cool weather this week! Its supposed to be in the 70's and low 80's!

We'll keep you posted when she does come. We're bringing our laptop to the hospital for sure... because we're g33ks and you love it. :)


Brooke said…
Ethan is so cute. Love those stories :)
Pretty exciting that your little girl is coming soon! Brings back so many memories, my body can almost feel everything! :) Excited for you and praying for you all!
Love, B
Stef said…
I know exactly what you mean, Brooke. A couple of my friends had babies earlier this year and hearing their birthing stories brought tears to my eyes - just remembering the experience!

Ethan's comments send me through a range of emotions. He often makes me laugh, cry and gets me angry all in one day.
Tonight he prayed that the baby would "want to come out soon and that she'll like us when she meets us." :)

Thank you for the prayers!
Erin said…
This is exciting! I hate the waiting at the end like this... The early contractions are such teasers.
Jennafer said…
Your last few posts all remind me of the "nesting" I always seem to go through right before I deliver. I wish I had that energy right now! Maybe then I'd get motivated to get things done around here! With Caedmon I just had to clean every nook and cranny in the home and shampoo the carpets and clean the coaches!

Jennafer said…
Your last few posts all remind me of the "nesting" I always seem to go through right before I deliver. I wish I had that energy right now! Maybe then I'd get motivated to get things done around here! With Caedmon I just had to clean every nook and cranny in the home and shampoo the carpets and clean the coaches!


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