As a stay-at-home mom of 3 small kids, I often feel like all I say is "No, no. Say yes Mommy. Look at me when I'm talking to you, please listen and obey" etc...
I often wonder if any of it is really getting through to them or if I'm starting to sound like a broken record. All 3 of our kids are sick with colds right now and so we've been taking it slow today, in my hopes of trying to finally kick this thing.
Rachel got to watch a video (we've really toned down on TV the past couple months) Ethan got to play the DS and I did a lot of cuddling with Kara. I realized Ethan had been playing the DS for about an hour, so I went and told him it was time to put it away. He whined and complained, talking about how life wasn't fair and how I "never" let him play for long. I was busy trying to calm Kara down and so I had to leave his room and tend to her... all the while thinking "I wish I had 2 bodies so I could deal with Kara and now deal with Ethan." I put Kara in bed and got busy getting lunch ready for Rachel (completely forgetting about Ethan) and low and behold, out he walks, with a very sad look on his face.
"What's up, buddy?"
"Um, well... Mommy?"
"Yeah? What's wrong?"
"Well, I'm very sorry for throwing a fit when you said to put the DS away and I promise I would never do it again and thank you for letting me play."
And with that, he hands me the DS, hugs my leg and runs to play with his cars.
Me? Mouth gaping, still standing in the kitchen... speachless.
Thank You, Lord. :)
I often wonder if any of it is really getting through to them or if I'm starting to sound like a broken record. All 3 of our kids are sick with colds right now and so we've been taking it slow today, in my hopes of trying to finally kick this thing.
Rachel got to watch a video (we've really toned down on TV the past couple months) Ethan got to play the DS and I did a lot of cuddling with Kara. I realized Ethan had been playing the DS for about an hour, so I went and told him it was time to put it away. He whined and complained, talking about how life wasn't fair and how I "never" let him play for long. I was busy trying to calm Kara down and so I had to leave his room and tend to her... all the while thinking "I wish I had 2 bodies so I could deal with Kara and now deal with Ethan." I put Kara in bed and got busy getting lunch ready for Rachel (completely forgetting about Ethan) and low and behold, out he walks, with a very sad look on his face.
"What's up, buddy?"
"Um, well... Mommy?"
"Yeah? What's wrong?"
"Well, I'm very sorry for throwing a fit when you said to put the DS away and I promise I would never do it again and thank you for letting me play."
And with that, he hands me the DS, hugs my leg and runs to play with his cars.
Me? Mouth gaping, still standing in the kitchen... speachless.
Thank You, Lord. :)