the 1st sleepover

Rachel got to have her first sleep over with her 3 year old cousin Emma!
The girls played dolls and dress-ups to their heart's content. I got the biggest kick out of hearing them pretend and speak like they were little Mommies.
They had so much fun - we had a fun dinner, took bubble baths, played hide-and-go-seek and then blew up the air mattress and let them sleep on the floor with that. Rachel is still talking about this event and keeps telling me this is what she wants to do for her birthday when she turns 3. :)

playing dress-ups

"Beauty and the Beast", dancing

Notice Emma looking at Ethan... the next
picture was completely out of the blue and I
love the way these two pix tie in. :)

SMACK! Cousin kisses :)

After bath time -- we didn't prompt the hug.
I asked them if they love each other and the hug
followed their answer.

they're 6 months apart in age, so they
get along quite well.

Going nite-nite

waving bye-bye to the camera!


W and J said…
Haha! These are super and humorously cute!!! Aw, little girls!
Stef said…
I know! this brought back major fun memories for me. I'm totally living my childhood over again, through my kids. :)
Trisha said…
oh my gosh - these are so stinking adorable!!
Trish said…
oh my gosh - these are so stinking adorable!!
Haha! These are super and humorously cute!!! Aw, little girls!

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