Ainsley Marie

Many of you know about our Pastor's 3 week old baby girl, Ainsley, but many of you don't, so I thought I'd post this here and that you can all be caught up to speed. That way when I give updates you won't be wondering what on earth I'm talking about. :-) Ainsley is the youngest of 5 children and was born on February 7th.
My sole purpose in posting this is to ask you all to pray.

Ainsley is at UCSF Neo-Natal ICU due to issues with her heart. She has been diagnosed with Aortic Coartation due to narrowing of the Aortic leaving the Left Ventricular Chamber, a heart murmur and Left Ventricular Non-compaction of muscle tissue. Ainsley is in very stable condition with all her vitals and organs really good. The doctors have tried PGE Hormone to open the Aortic area but it didn't work and was discontinued tonight.

Ainsley will need surgery to correct these issues which will probably occur on Monday, we don't know the time yet. Ainsley will probably stay at UCSF for 2-4 weeks and then may be transferred to Kaiser Walnut Creek for some time more. All is unclear until the doctors do the surgery and see how she responds.

Please pray for Ainsley and for the rest of the family. This is a very tense and tiring time even though we put our full trust and hope in God alone. Cell phone reception is poor in the hospital and we will keep people updated through his care page and our families.

Thank you,
Ryan and Jen


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