our growing baby

Kara is growing up so fast! She's coming on 5 months old and I'm trying to remember what happened to her entire 4th month. Seriously, February went by way too fast. We're enjoying Kara's baby days so much. Ethan adores her, Rachel says she wants another baby sister (already) and Jason is... well... smitten. :-)
She's doing much better these days and I think we passed up a rough hurdle. She is very much a home body, so I'm learning to adjust my life a little bit. We do less traveling and I'm not nearly as social as I used to be, just because life gets too hectic for her when we're out a lot. She loves to be home and on a nice routine. She's a happy baby when she gets long naps, so we're typically always home for those. She's still doing the up-si-down army crawl (I need to catch this on video) and rolls all over the place. If you help her a bit, she sits up very nicely and is getting good control of her back muscles. She tries to copy everything we do. If we wave, she wiggles her fingers, if we clap, she tries to clap, if we make a noise with our mouths, she tries to make the same noise. My favorite is when she catches me blowing bubbles with my gum and then she moves her mouth around, trying to copy. So cute!

So here are quite a few pictures from this past month. Enjoy!

bath time is her all time favorite part of the day

early in the morning moment
(every morning, without fail, E&R come into
our room to say good morning to Kara and
give her kisses.)

cuddling in Rachel's bed, for bedtime stories with Daddy

this was taken just a few days ago

more bath time fun

Okay, so... have you seen those new European tubs?
this is our version. She loves it. :-)

cuddling in Ethan's bed, for bedtime stories with Daddy

our little sweetheart

this is her typical look. I think it means...
"why are you making those funny faces at me? Do you think
you look cute? Because I just think you look weird."


Stef said…
Thanks, Gina. I'm glad you commented! I haven't had any comments in such a long time, I was beginning to wonder if they still worked. :)

I like that picture too.
Erin said…
The bath bucket is interesting. Ha!
Stef said…
I know! We got the biggest kick out of it. Mostly because she loves it!
Trisha said…
I love her in the red bucket. Cute! Great pictures Stef.

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