as we wait
Got the news that Ainsley is officially in surgery! Jason is out with Rachel, so I called Ethan in the room and said "we need to pray right now, Ainsley is in surgery!" He came running into the room and got a very sober look on his face and asked "Could I pray for her first?" and so he did. His prayer brought me to tears. I love how tender hearted Ethan is and I love, love, love the way he speaks to God. I wish my faith would be so childlike and my relationship so full of honesty and trust.
"Dear God, thank you for Ainsley and that Mrs Rippee had her in her tummy and thank you that she was born and she's really cute and another sister for Caedmon. Oh, and thank you that Caedmon is my best friend. I'm glad he goes to my church with me. Oh, and thank you for my church and my Sunday school teachers and the Bible.
Please help Ainsley not to be worried when she's in her surgery. Please help her to be calm and to know that the Doctors are just gonna fix her heart. And when the room has lots of funny lights and the Doctors wear masks on their faces, tell her its just to keep germs away, its not because they're monsters (I think he's totally remembering his surgery last year!)
And please just make her better and heal her because You love her and you love Mr Rippee and he's been praying about it and he loves You. I love You too and I know you hear me when I pray to You because You love to hear me pray to You.
So please let Ainsley be better and go home really soon... before Christmas.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen."
"Dear God, thank you for Ainsley and that Mrs Rippee had her in her tummy and thank you that she was born and she's really cute and another sister for Caedmon. Oh, and thank you that Caedmon is my best friend. I'm glad he goes to my church with me. Oh, and thank you for my church and my Sunday school teachers and the Bible.
Please help Ainsley not to be worried when she's in her surgery. Please help her to be calm and to know that the Doctors are just gonna fix her heart. And when the room has lots of funny lights and the Doctors wear masks on their faces, tell her its just to keep germs away, its not because they're monsters (I think he's totally remembering his surgery last year!)
And please just make her better and heal her because You love her and you love Mr Rippee and he's been praying about it and he loves You. I love You too and I know you hear me when I pray to You because You love to hear me pray to You.
So please let Ainsley be better and go home really soon... before Christmas.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen."