
Ethan and Rachel have entered a new stage in life where they love having craft time every day. Especially Rachel. She will sit and do a craft for more than an hour. Ethan has to change up what he's doing every 30 minutes or so, or he's bored and causing trouble. Last week they were able to play with one of Ethan's birthday presents from his good friend Duncan. It was a Diego paint and color set and they had a blast!


Emily said…
Whitney's favorite craft activity is to just give her a pile of colored paper scraps, a pair of scissors, and a glue stick. She will cut and paste for hours. Jackson, on the other hand, will do just one craft: Sharpie body and wall and carpet art. He has now done this 4 times. Where he manages to find the sharpies, I don't know. But he always manages!
Brooke said…
Emily's comment about body, wall and carpet art made me laugh :).

My kids LOVE craft time, too. I'd love to hear about any great ideas or crafts you guys do to add some variety.
JaneeNoel said…
Have you seen this blog? It has lots of great craft ideas for preshoolers and toddlers. I'm starting to do more crafts with Noelle too . . .so much fun!
Stef said…
Brooke - I haven't gotten too fancy with crafts, mostly because of their ages. They love using scissors right now, but since I have to be right next to them the whole time, we only use them once a week. :)

They just finished learning all the sounds of the letters in the alphabet, so today we got magazines and we found pictures to go with each letter, cut it out and glued them onto construction paper, writing the capital letter for each picture above the picture. Ethan totally got it and did most of it on his own, Rachel did not. She knows all the sounds of her letters, but didn't quite connect finding the pictures and putting 2 and 2 together. :)

Next week we're going to do paper mache. I know they'll love that.

Thanks for the link, Janee! I'll check that out.

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