He IS there

This past week has been full of God reminding me of what's most important in life. Reminding me, because I already know... but often forget, lose sight, place other things in front of it, etc...
I need the reminding. Badly.

He's been showing me how very delightful a good, solid relationship with Him is. How He is the source of my joy and happiness. He's the reason I smile and the reason I have future hope.
Nothing else. The "other joys" would include my husband, my kids, my family, my church, my friends, my life. However, I have joy in those things because they're from God. Because He blesses me beyond my wildest imaginations. Even through the trials. Yes, I did say through the trials He blesses me beyond my wildest imagination. I often feel like going through trials is like being drug through mud and I'm screaming that I want out, but for some reason I can't get up and get out of the mud. I hate it. I complain the entire way through them and find very little good to pull from them. Of course on the outside I look very put together and like I'm handling it all like a pro. Guess again!
Then, God gives light. He shows me His grace in the midst of my mess. He shows me how kind and tender hearted He is, how much he desires to help me, show me the way of forgiveness, pull me back up when I am sure I can't get up. He is good, beyond all measure. When I think of my trials, my sorrows, my weakness, my failures, my bad days and my heart breaking, I remember that Christ knows full well how I feel. He truly does - he felt all of that and then some!
On my behalf He took on so much more than I ever will have to take on and gave me more than I could ever give.

What a wonderful Savior! The reason my heart won't truly break in times of deep trial (even though it will feel like its breaking) and the reason I can say with full assurance...

"It is well with my soul!"


Charlotte said…
This was a great post from your heart, Stef. It is so humbling when we go through trails, when the Lord chooses to use negative things in our lives to draw us closer to Him. It is during those times when we can say that His grace is sufficient and that when we are weak He is strong.

The awesome thing about this post is that you are realizing that! So many times I go through bad times and ask why God gave that trail to me, and of course wanting things to get better as soon as possible. Instead I need to be asking, 'What are you teaching me through this, Lord?'

But it is through our trails that we grow. And we can rest knowing that His plan for us, no matter what, is perfect!

I don't know specifically what you are going through right now, but I will keep you in my prayers for wisdom and peace as you rest in Him. Hang in there. :)

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