One life ends...
My Grandpa (my Mom's Dad) lost his wife to throat cancer today. Her cancer spread very fast and this morning she was rushed to UCSF when she was having difficulty breathing. We found out she was so sick only a few weeks ago, so its been taking me a little time to adjust.
I've never been super close to her. She wasn't the type that liked closeness and kept people at arms length. I'm not sure why. I used to watch her and sometimes wanted to take her by the arms and say "you'd be so much happier if you'd allow yourself to be!" but she seemed quite content living in her small, quiet world. I'm just sad thinking of it. I hate losing people, but there's such a difference when you know someone is in the presence of God... in a good way.
And then my heart breaks for my Grandpa. My Grandma (his first wife) died of Ovarian Cancer back in 1983 at the young age of 52 years. I know this has got to be hard, just for him to have those memories fresh in his mind. He hates to be alone and isn't doing well (physically) so the reality of being alone is very real for him now. Please pray for him. Pray that God will break into his world and save him.
My parents went up to his house today (he lives much farther up North from us) and they're helping him prepare for her burial and trying to figure out where my Grandpa will go from here.
Please pray for my Mom. I have to be honest and say I'm glad my Grandpa didn't die first, but its still hard and I'm sure this is bringing back really hard memories for my Mom as well.
I've never been super close to her. She wasn't the type that liked closeness and kept people at arms length. I'm not sure why. I used to watch her and sometimes wanted to take her by the arms and say "you'd be so much happier if you'd allow yourself to be!" but she seemed quite content living in her small, quiet world. I'm just sad thinking of it. I hate losing people, but there's such a difference when you know someone is in the presence of God... in a good way.
And then my heart breaks for my Grandpa. My Grandma (his first wife) died of Ovarian Cancer back in 1983 at the young age of 52 years. I know this has got to be hard, just for him to have those memories fresh in his mind. He hates to be alone and isn't doing well (physically) so the reality of being alone is very real for him now. Please pray for him. Pray that God will break into his world and save him.
My parents went up to his house today (he lives much farther up North from us) and they're helping him prepare for her burial and trying to figure out where my Grandpa will go from here.
Please pray for my Mom. I have to be honest and say I'm glad my Grandpa didn't die first, but its still hard and I'm sure this is bringing back really hard memories for my Mom as well.