Surgery Date!

We got a surgery date for Kara! Looks like she'll be going in this Tuesday, the 18th. We have A LOT to do before then, so I ask that you please pray for everything to flow smoothly.
She has several pre-op appointments, we're going to be out of town this weekend and then just life in between will make this difficult, but we know it needs to be done. Please pray God will give us calmness on the day of the surgery and that everything will go really well for Kara.



Krista said…
Glad to hear there is a date, I will pray for her!
Charlotte said…
We'll keep her in our prayers!
Anonymous said…
We'll be praying for little Kara!
Stef said…
thanks! question: the person who's name is "what is this about" ?? who are you?
Charlotte said…
We'll keep her in our prayers!
Gina said…
Boy, that'll come up quick! But it'll be good to get it over with. We'll keep her in our prayers. :-)

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