Our little munchkin is 10 months old today!! I cannot believe how fast this past year has gone by. She's quite the little motivated girl - already starting to take some steps on her own and learning to say a few words! I love watching her personality develop and getting to see more of her own little idiosyncrasies. I love watching her figure things out and learn on her own - she is very good about entertaining herself and will work with something until she figures it out on her own. I love that about her.

She is such a good eater; loves food and also thinks her body need to be decorated with it when she decides she's done with it. She loves being outside, loves going for walks and being sung to. If I need her to hold still and focus, all I have to do is start singing and I've got her full attention. Too bad this technique doesn't work on Sunday mornings, during the sermon. ;)
She's still taking 2 naps and sleeps like a champ at night. She'll get up once during the night from time to time, but for the most part, she sleeps from 8pm-7:30am.
Her favorite game is peek-a-boo, her favorite song is "Jesus Loves Me" and the "ABC'S". If you ask her "how big is Kara?" she quickly puts her hands above her head so you can say "SOOO big!!" This is such a fun age. I think I enjoy it more with each child we have. God has been so good to us.

She's getting tubes put in her ears this month, we just don't have the exact date yet. We went for her hearing test last week and it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. She appears to have a 20% hearing loss and has flat ear drums, due to still having too much fluid in there. I was surprised to hear that, because she just got off a heavy dose of Antibiotics that was supposed to take care of the fluid. So the fact that it didn't, isn't good. Anyway, we're praying that the tubes take care of all these problems and that she'll never have to have her adenoids removed. Would be nice to have it taken care of so simply.

I wish I had recent pictures to post. I do have a copy of one that my friend took last week. We went to SF to spend the day with Laura and her girls and she took this picture. You can't really see Kara's face, but its the best I have right now.


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