how things are done...

Our Pastor preached an excellent, thought provoking sermon this morning, on our giving and why Christians give. He gave several different reasons why some might give, ranging from guilt to legalism to just being the way they were raised - not giving much thought to it at all.
However, the basis of his sermon was on our giving and how it ought to be a well spring of joy for Christ; His love and sacrifice for us. How He provides our every need - even the money we bring in from our jobs.

At any rate... my mind has been whirling on the subject all afternoon. I do that and it can be annoying, but I'm thankful to whirl over profitable things sometimes.
So here is basically what I've come up with and I decided to post it and then ask what you all do at your churches. I'd love to get a wide variety of answers and ideas, so please feel free to share.

I was thinking that some people might forget about tithing or don't look at it as a form of Worship or understand its importance because so many churches never talk about it. We've been at our current church for 3 years and I think today was like, the 5th time I've heard it mentioned and only like the 2nd that I've heard it mentioned from the pulpit. When I look around and see so many people eager to serve, looking for new ways to serve, putting themselves out there to help in any way they can, looking for new ministries God would have them start, etc... I realize a lot of that comes from all the talk about it. It gets mentioned at meetings, when 2 or 3 or more of us are together, those are things we pray about and discuss, etc... but no one really ever talks about tithing. We've made it such a secretive thing and I totally understand why. I understand its a heart thing - between the Giver and the thanker. However, Worship alone is something very personal, between God and me, but we do that in a public setting. We sing out to God, raise our hands in Worship to Him, pray aloud to Him and witness to others, sharing His great News. So why are we so quiet about our giving? Is it really so that we won't attract attention to ourselves?
Why don't we make giving a more central part of our Worship?

At the church we will be attending in WA, I noticed every week they take communion and every week they pass the "offering" plate. At first I thought "Is this aloud? Isn't there some place in the Bible that says we are only to take communion on the 1st Sunday of the month and tithe to a small, wooden box in the very back of church, on our way out?" :) I had to laugh at myself for thinking such a ridiculous thought. I hate when I get stuck in a pattern and then decide its "Biblical".

I liked how the "offering time" at the church in Washington was set aside as Worship. We were all sitting, the music was playing a very low key song (I think it was "Here I am to Worship") and after people gave, they bowed in prayer and it was just a nice, quiet time of the service. Sure, it made the service go a bit longer (tisk, tisk) but I really enjoyed it. I was telling Jason on the way home that it totally reminded me why we tithe, why we give back and how it IS part of our Worship. I think having the offering time as part of the Worship service, gets your mind thinking in that direction every Sunday. So once a week, we are reminded to even just give thanks during that time, to the One who has given the provisions all week long.

I don't want to slam churches that don't do this, including our church here. I love our church. I love our Pastors and I don't mean to imply that things are messed up at churches that don't do things a certain way. Its just some thoughts that have been going around in my head all afternoon. I'm thankful for sermons that don't go in one ear and out the other. I'm thankful that even during my nap today, I was still meditating on these wonderful Biblical doctrines.

Just curious what your thoughts are on the topic and maybe you could even share what your church does! Lets get our minds flowing this week :)


W and J said…
At my old church in So.Cal, they did communion every week & I SOOOO miss that. It's such a great WEEKLY reminder of Christ's sacrifice and our need of him.

As for tithing, William really opened my eyes up to it. I use to ignore that command so easily without much conviction until I met him. He grew up with so little yet still had this huge heart for giving to Christ all areas of his life even when finances were tight. We still give even while I'm unemployed, him a student & a baby on the way. Now I feel thankful when I give & know that He does provide for our physical needs too! I'm much more thoughtful of this aspect of obedience and make a point to do it. I wouldn't be put off if it were more of an acknowledged act of worship during service.

For me, it reminds me that my treasure should not be stored here which is definitely a temptation in the area we live in... clearly a heart issue that God has graciously helped me in! And is STILL helping... ;)
W and J said…
PS (total side note) if you have ANY kid-stuff you're getting rid of from the garage...we'll happily help you with find a home for it!! ;)
Stef said…
"where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." I love that verse!!
Thanks Jess! I like communion every week too. I think it has to be kept very important and not rush, rush, but its awesome to have at the beginning of every week. In Washington, the sermon ends and while some music is being played, the parents go get their kids from the Children's ministries and then all the families sit together for communion. Each row exists and goes to the front and dips the bread into the wine/grape juice. Then you go sit and pray/meditate and then sing. Its nice :)
Stef said…
wait. how did you know we were cleaning out our garage?? And yes! I'll email you any child things we get rid of. Although it won't be much since we hope to use it all again :)
Stef said…
so I just found the sermon outline notes and the title of his sermon was called Gospel Giving. Just so you know :)
W and J said…
You twittered it, silly! ;) And the communion sounds just like how we did it too! Very very cool! What church was it called? I wonder if they do podcasts??
Melissa Joy said…
Our church does communion weekly (I think our whole denomination does), and not so much because it is a time of remembrance (although that's part of it) but because it is a means of grace. We need that weekly grace! Through the Lord's Supper we are given spiritual sustenance in a way we can not even understand. (not even going to try getting into it in a "comment" lol.) That's why our children start taking it at early ages too. We sing a hymn (usually a long one so there are enough verses to make it through serving the bread/wine to almost 300 people) while the elements are passed around, and then we all partake together as one body. We look around and smile at each other as we discern the Lord's body in the people around us. It is such a blessing to see the children long to taste the bread and the wine; it reminds me of how we are to pant for the Lord. If only we as adults clamored for the Lord and the elements as much as the children do! "Let the little children come unto Me..." and the whole idea of us becoming like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It's just a beautiful reminder. And I love that God uses even my own small son to proclaim the Gospel to me.

As for tithing, our church has done it in a few different ways over the years. Currently, the tithe/offering basket (it's a Longaberger, lol) is on the back table, and people put their gifts in there before the service. Then during the service (because yes, like you said, tithing IS worship), we sing an offertory hymn/psalm; meanwhile one of the deacons, brings the basket up to the front of the church (i.e. the "altar") and then afterward there is a prayer of thanksgiving and consecration and acknowledgment that all things come from the Lord's mighty hand.

So yeah, that's how our church currently does it. But of course things change as God continues to reveal new truths and beauties to our leaders.
You're right, it's great to see how other bodies do things differently. And similarly. Sometimes it's like a little wake-up to see something different: and then especially to try finding out WHY. I love learning why people do what they do in worship. The reasons. The Scriptural backing. The traditions behind it. Whatever. I love that. Why, why, why... now I sound like my toddler, lol. ;)
Stef said…
Hahaha! I keep forgetting my twitter feed is on here :) Such a nerd.

Thanks for sharing, Melissa! Its interesting to hear how many churches do things so differently. I love it!
Erin said…
It sounds like our church does things very similarly to Mars Hill.
The giving of Tithes & Offerings is a weekly part of the Worship service. We generally sing a hyme while it is being passed, then we sing the Doxology as it is brought to the front.
Every worship service ends with the Lord's Supper. And, we come foward as families & dip in the wine. Same as your new church. We sing worship songs all the while, too.
I love it!
Stef said…
I so appreciated all these comments! Thanks ladies !
Erin said…
It sounds like our church does things very similarly to Mars Hill.
The giving of Tithes & Offerings is a weekly part of the Worship service. We generally sing a hyme while it is being passed, then we sing the Doxology as it is brought to the front.
Every worship service ends with the Lord's Supper. And, we come foward as families & dip in the wine. Same as your new church. We sing worship songs all the while, too.
I love it!
Gina said…
The tithe box and once a month taking of the elements is new to me. Our old church, and even in the Catholic church, we took the elements every week. I do miss that. Especially if you're sick and miss the monthly elements--then it seems like forever! The tithe basket was always passed weekly too. There are pros and cons each way. In having the basket passed, I was always very self conscious when we had little to nothing to give. But with the box in the back, it seems like such a side note and sometimes I even forget to put the offering in--it's awful! I can't say that either way is right, but I know somewhere in the bible it says that the left hand shouldn't know what the right hand is doing in reference to giving and deeds, so I guess an anonymous box would be more biblical, if you had to classify it.
Stef said…
wait. how did you know we were cleaning out our garage?? And yes! I'll email you any child things we get rid of. Although it won't be much since we hope to use it all again :)
Jessica said…
PS (total side note) if you have ANY kid-stuff you're getting rid of from the garage...we'll happily help you with find a home for it!! ;)

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