all good things must come to an end

I'm going to post about my sister's visit now, instead of waiting until she leaves b/c then it will be a very depressing post.

We've had such a great time together!! On Wednesday night she made official (and last minute) plans to come visit us with her youngest daughter. We picked them up at the airport on Thursday night, complete with screaming, jumping and lots of hugs. The kids were SO excited to see Trisha and thrilled to see their cousin Emma. Kara wasn't so sure at first, but by the time we got home, she remembered right away, just how much she loves her Aunt Trisha.
Friday was a chill-at-home day. We ate a yummy breakfast, watched some movies, played some games, the girls played an enormous amount of dress-ups and we took naps.
Rachel's cold got worse Friday night, complete with fever and the chills, so we laid low into the evening. Nice.

Saturday Trisha graciously offered to baby sit for us, so Jase and I could get out together. I got my hair cut, we went to the movies, went and had dinner at a fabulous Pad Thai place and just enjoyed being just the two of us. Bliss.

Sunday morning Trish and I went to church together - heard an amazing sermon on Luke 2 and then went to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, did some shopping at the mall and then went to the airport to pick up our friend Peter! Peter was up here helping one of his friends move and so on his way back, he stayed with us. We've missed him a lot since we moved. He's a friend of ours from our church in CA and he's become more like family. Jason and I are secretly trying to think of ways to get him to move up here. Hopeful.

So last night we enjoyed a yummy turkey dinner (everyone helped make different parts of the meal) and then after some wii fun, the kids went to bed and the 4 adults played some hard core Nertz. Fun.

Jase and Peter are out at the driving range right now and then when they get back, we begin our good byes. Peter goes home tonight and Trish and Emma leave tomorrow morning. Sad.

We've had fun having friends from back home here. It was so fun to have my sister see my house, my things all set up and see all the stores and places we go. I just realized I never took her to our Costco... bummer. I guess if you've seen one, you've seen them all, eh?!
Its nice to know that even though we live farther away, the distance isn't that far and the airfare is typically pretty cheap. Hint.

So thankful for good friends, the sweetness of family and treasured moments.


W and J said…
Soooo fun!! Glad to hear both visitor trip were amazing! I'm still hoping we can come Feb/March for a trip!

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