Just one reason I love Christian radio

I love listening to Christian radio and lately my older kids have begun enjoying it. The other day a song we typically sing in church came on the radio and Ethan said "Its like having church every day of the week and in our car!!" He's right. That's exactly why its such a blessing to me.

Yesterday there was a little clip on the radio, from a local Pastor and his small "clip" totally blessed me and gave me some good meditations throughout the day; something else to thank my Savior for and see His love for me in a whole new way.
The Pastor was speaking to stay-at-home moms, who care for their children all day long. We become tired, worn out and in need of a break every so often. We wonder from day-to-day "Can I do this and do this well? Am I cut out for this job or am I the last person on earth who should be doing this?!" We feel tired, wasted, spent and like our brains can only handle so much, before we just need a good nap.
He reminded his listeners that Christ cares for us, in the same way we care for our husbands and kids, but perfectly, completely and non-stop. He doesn't get breaks, days off or "down time". And... He doesn't grow weary in His constant, continual care! That fact alone made me say out loud "thank You, Jesus!"

When I stop and think about MY frustrations and what makes ME tired or grow weary, I think about Christ and remember afresh that He loves me deeper and more faithful than I could ever show love to my husband, my kids or my friends. His love and daily care for me is so much fuller and comes without resentment or hesitation, ever. It also gave me a fresh reminder that on those days when I'm losing strength and I'm losing patience, I can take from Christ and always find new strength and perseverance in Him. Through His word, singing or listening to praise music, getting encouragement from a friend or even just stopping long enough to tell Him I'm tired, worn out and needing to get my priorities back on track (for me, that's typically what has me feeling beat - I get my priorities way off track and things fall apart). Remember that God loves talking with you. He loves when we remember to run to HIM first and not to a million other silly things or even to people who can't really give us the help we need. He delights in us remembering who He is and what He's done and will do for us.

Anyway, I know most of my readers (aside from the secret male ones) are moms, whether you're a stay-at-home mom or not, we all have the same struggles as moms. So I hope this post encourages you. That Pastor's very small reminder put me in such a thankful, meditative state for the rest of the day. I kept thinking "so basic and yet, so powerful!"

Thank You, Lord, for these simple reminders of your amazing love for us!


Gina said…
I love little pick me ups like this. SO often they are helpful. Christian radio rocks!

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