the many faces of Kara

Hello blog world! This is Kara at 13.5 months...

this is what you get when you ask "Kara, where are your eyes?"

I was trying to get her to stand in one place, but she thinks she needs
to walk TO the camera as I'm snapping pictures :)

I asked her to say Ethan -- "E-Ah!"

I love this sweet face. I think I give her 1 million kisses a day.

this was her reaction, when she first laid eyes on our new camera.
she's thinking... "what is it, mom?"

she's a very happy eater these days; making sure to get the food in every
crevice... showing us how much she enjoyed it.


Melissa Joy said…
Gabriel does that same thing with his eyes -- squints and scrunches them up when you ask where his eyes are. I love it. :) He points to every other body part, but not the eyes! Cracks me up.

Kara is turning into quite the little lady. Her smile is just contagious!
Stef said…
I know! I love when they're learning parts of the body and the funny faces they make. When you ask her where her ears are, she plugs her fingers in them and starts laughing and screaming :)
Nini said…
She is so cute! Both of your girls look alike. Crazy how fast they are growing!
Stef said…
I know, Nini. They're going on 3 1/2 and 14 months!
Krista said…
How cute! Is it just me, or is she looking alot more like Rachel these days?
Stef said…
Yes, Krista... she is starting to look a lot like Rachel. Her hair is much curlier and there are a few features on Kara's face that are more me, while Rachel is more Jason... but yes, they're starting to look a lot alike.
Jane said…
I L-O-V-E these girls!!!
Trish said…
I just wanna kiss that face! Now.
Trish said…
I just wanna kiss that face! Now.
Nini said…
She is so cute! Both of your girls look alike. Crazy how fast they are growing!
Jane said…
I L-O-V-E these girls!!!
Stef said…
I know, Nini. They're going on 3 1/2 and 14 months!
Krista said…
How cute! Is it just me, or is she looking alot more like Rachel these days?

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