Thanksgiving Day

We had a great Thanksgiving! It was our first holiday, just the 5 of us. We missed our families, but I have to say, there is something wonderful about spending intimate time as a family, on a holiday.

We woke up to our traditional make-ahead-breakfast and the Thanksgiving Day Parade. The kids enjoyed it SO much this year. E&R sat through the whole thing, laughing and screaming when they saw floats with their favorite characters. I was a little worried at how excited they got when they saw the Yo-Gabba-Gabba dance. They've never seen the actual show, but we have the weird circular toy and so they recognized the song right away.
We played tons of legos, wii, dress-ups and did lots of cooking. I prepared all the food on Wednesday, so today all I needed to do was cook it.

Our menu this year....
baked orange rosemary chicken
mashed potatoes
grilled onions and carrots
stuffing (I made it from scratch and its amazing! I'll share the recipe soon)
marshmallow salad
green salad

It was a ton food and yes, we have lots of leftovers, but that's the best part!
At the dinner table we went around, starting with Jase, and we all said what we were thankful for. I loved hearing what the kids said...

Ethan: "I'm thankful for beautiful trees that God made. I'm thankful for games and toys. I'm thankful for Daddy and Mommy, Rachel and Kara. I'm thankful for food and this food we're eating today. I'm thankful for Washington and for our friends here. I'm thankful for movies, the wii and for Sunday School.

Rachel: "I'm thankful for my family; for Daddy, Mommy, Efan and Kara. I'm thankful for Thanksgiving and for food. I'm thankful for baby Kara and for my dress-ups. I'm thankful for God and for church and for Sunday School. I'm thankful for grass and trees and for my brother. I'm thankful for my cousins and for my life."

We're ending the night with our first Christmas movie of the year and then I'm sure we'll all sleep soundly with such full tummies.

**Pictures will follow in another post.


wedogmomma said…
Our Thanksgiving was smaller this year as well....and we loved it SO!
I'm thankful that you are carving an new niche and growing closer with your family in Washington. It's truly a beautiful thing to 'watch'/read about...

BTW- EVERY single 'I am thankful for...' list that the boys made included their wii.....I'm SO glad that's not uncommon ;)

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