what comes out of their mouths

Since we moved, I've been jotting down cute/funny things my kids have said. I think I have enough now to make a decent post. Enjoy.

E: "So, where does Nana fit into all my luggage?" (as we packed the car to leave CA)

R: "I love being in Washington at our new house, but I do not love being so far from my people."

K: "MMMMAAA!" (Emma)

E: "What?! We live in a house, that has a house on top of a house?! (getting re-aquainted with living in a two story home)

R: I was kissing Rachel good night before I went off to bed... she was already fast asleep, but she turned over and I said "I love you, Rache" and she answered "I love you too, Nana."

K: "Shisha!" (Trisha)

E: as we drove past our mall and saw a cell phone store... "we have to call Papa and tell him about these stores. He has a thing for stores!" - my dad loves cell phone stores.

R: "I feel taller, now that we live in Washington" - she is very random.

K: "Apool!" (apple)

E: "Oh! Target is here?! This totally feels like home again."

R: after I told her Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming, she asked "is Nana coming too?!"

K: "Beebee" (baby)

E: "I have such bigger muscles since we moved, because my big cousins aren't here to use their muscles for me."

R: "Mom, when you're done with Daddy, I will take him."

K: "HOT!" -- she says this word when she sees fire, candles or a night light :)

E: "I love food because it goes into my stomach and makes it feel fat and good."

R: "When we have another baby, I want to name it Jon and Kate Plus 8" -- poor Rachel, hasn't adjusted to us boycotting the show :(

K: "uh-oh!" - when she goes poo-poo

E: "So we're going to a new church and Mr. Rippee isn't playing the guitar or preaching? How are we gonna like this new church?"

R: "there are Christmas trees all over the place in this land!" - getting used to the landscaping here in WA :)

K: "nigh-nigh" - night-night


Krista said…
Cute! I love that you write all this down, they are going to love reading it when they are older!
Gina said…
Very cute. Love how Rachel has people. :-)

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