what happens when you say "poo-poo" to Ethan?

This does....

he knows I'm about to say something silly, so he's waiting....

..... he hears it.

its making his tummy hurt, he's laughing so hard.

he tries to stop... but can't.

so he decides to repeat it, to see if it will have the same affect...

..... and it does.



wedogmomma said…
Nothing like a new camera to evoke endless strings of gorgeous head shots! Too fun
....and throw an adorable little boy into the mix....it's PERFECT!
Stef said…
I am!! I'm not sure how we've lived without it!
Anonymous said…
So cute!
Jane said…
I L-O-V-E this boy!!!!
Jane said…
I L-O-V-E this boy!!!!
wedogmomma said…
Nothing like a new camera to evoke endless strings of gorgeous head shots! Too fun
....and throw an adorable little boy into the mix....it's PERFECT!

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