where she's at
Kara is coming on 14 months old in a couple days, so this is her 14 month post :)
- She is our curious, wandering child. She spends most of her days figuring out what she can get into, what she can climb on, what she can carry around with her, and how she can copy her older brother and sister. Its funny to me, because she doesn't play with E&R very often... she watches from a distance and then once they've moved on from whatever they're doing, she goes and copies what they were doing. The funny thing is, when I told my Mom all of this the other day, she said I was exactly the same way. If she feels comfortable with the activity, she'll join in. Otherwise, she watches from afar, and tries later on, all by herself.
- She's very, very attached to me and yet at home, she is very independent. I think when she's comfortable and feels in control of her surroundings, then she's most happy :)
- We're learning new words, but not at the same pace her brother and sister did. She's got the corner on the physical side of life and is just now starting to learn words and using them the right way. Her newest one is "poo-poo" - when her diaper is dirty, she walks around saying "poo-poo" until you change it. I think potty training is going to be a welcome journey for her. :)
- Ethan and Rachel are quite captivated by her. Every time she does something new, they are filled with screams of excitement. Rachel is eager for Kara to continue maturing and being able to play more things with her, while Ethan would love it if she'd stay a baby forever. Today he said to me, "I just wish Kara could be our baby for all of time."
- Her sleep patterns have been off and not-so-great, but that's to be expected when your health is not-so-great. She's down to only one nap now and its a lovely 3-4 hour nap.
- She is most happy when Jason and I are home at the same time. She's often seen walking up to us and just laying on our laps, giving kisses and saying "awwwww" while she does so. She's very affectionate.
- Please pray for our Dr's appointment this morning. I mentioned it on FB, but I know some of you aren't on FB. We're going to have her ears checked and to find out why her health has been so "off" since her surgery. We've been told she might need to have another surgery to take the tubes out and then one more to put new tubes in. Please pray that will not be the case.

this shirt reminds me of one I had at this age.

she loves to carry this around the house. Go figure.

as unflattering as this picture is of me, I think its so cute of Kara. She looks like such a big girl to me... all of a sudden.

oh. did I mention she digs through the garbage?

Happy 14 months, sweet baby!