the day has come!

My parents arrive tomorrow night! We are so very excited, its hard to even explain. We've missed them so much since moving here. They were such a huge part of our lives and fully enjoy their role as Grandparents, that having them so far away has been rough on our kids especially. They miss the fun they had with Nana and Papa and are thrilled about the following 7+ days.
It would figure though, that all 3 kids came down with pretty bad head colds on Thursday and Friday. Ethan hasn't been sick since October, Rachel hasn't been sick since the beginning of December and Kara's last cold was in late December and this week, of all weeks, they get sick. Oh well. These are times when I just say "such is life." We stayed home today, took lots of little naps here and there, watched movies, played the wii, read books, and stayed in pj's all-day-long. It was delightful. Only hard part was, it was another warm, sunny day and we hate staying in doors on the warm, sunny days.
Ethan and Rachel seem to be on the mend already, which is awesome. I've been pumping them full of vitamin C and Zinc, with lots of water in between. Kara isn't doing so well. I'm really hoping she doesn't have an ear infection... but I think its why she keeps running fevers. Hopefully its not. I'm again very thankful for the baby carrier. She's been in it most of the day. Like to be tucked in close to Mama when she's sick. I'm hoping she'll be on the mend tomorrow as well. I don't plan on doing much blogging this week, since we'll be busy with my parents. So have a wonderful last week of February!!


Nicola said…
I hope you have a wonderful time with your parents and I hope your kiddos feel better soon.
Stef said…
Thanks girls! Ethan and Rachel are very much on the mend. Actually, Rachel seems 100% fine today. We took Kara to Urgent Kara on Sunday, just to have them check and make sure her ears are OK and she checked out fine. She has a cold and new teeth coming in at the same time. But today, all 3 kids have seemed almost totally fine. So, yay!! :)

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