I haven't felt well all week long. Its just a common cold, but I think because I ignored it early on and just kept going, going, going... my body is now punishing me and forcing me to slow down. Its the head pressure that gets me the worst. I can't stand feeling like, from my eyebrows up, my head will explode. I don't get sick very often. I think the last time I was sick was sometime last summer, so I feel like because of that, I'm such a baby when I do get sick. I hate taking meds, I hate taking naps in the afternoon and I cannot stand having to slow down and feeling like an invalid. Ha! I just realized why I don't like being pregnant! Too funny.

Anyway, I'm sick. Its the pits, but there is so much to be thankful for. Can't help but think of the people in Chile and other places that are being evacuated due to the earthquake. I have SO much reason to stop complaining about such small things and be thankful, which I am. Very thankful. But I've been praying this week that even in the midst of the BIG trials, that I would still be singing the praises of my great God. He is always good... not just when He's lavishing me with good health and a peaceful life.
I read through some of the Psalms this morning and had to stop and pray through this one. Such a blessing.  

{Psalm 118:28&29} "You are my God and I will give You thanks; You are my God, and I will exalt You. 
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good; His love endures forever." 


Erin said…
I am not sure if you are saying you are pregnant... Are you?
I hope you feel better soon. I've got a yucky head thing going on here, too.
Stef said…
No. I said the cold gives me the same symptoms as when I am pregnant... so it helped me realize why I don't like being pregnant.

I've never announced a pregnancy in a super sneaky way and I don't intend to start now :)

Hope you get well soon too!
Erin said…
Okay! I thought maybe I missed it on Facebook or something!
Stef said…
haha, nope. No fun announcements like that :)
Stef said…
No. I said the cold gives me the same symptoms as when I am pregnant... so it helped me realize why I don't like being pregnant.

I've never announced a pregnancy in a super sneaky way and I don't intend to start now :)

Hope you get well soon too!

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