Space Needle {before going up}

We've had an amazing visit with my parents this week! They arrived last Sunday night (via Amtrak) and leave early Saturday morning. We've missed them SO much since we moved and thoroughly enjoyed our time with them. The weather was really perfect all week; they've been able to see all our weather patterns in 7 days time! I think my favorite part so far has been the Space Needle in Seattle. Jason has been up before, but I had never gone and neither had my parents. So Ethan and I went up with my Mom and Dad and I'm not even sure words can describe it. Amazing & Spectacular are the two words that come to my mind... but they don't seem to do that view justice. God's gifts to us in what we see around us in creation shows off just a tiny glimpse of His goodness to us. Because I took a lot of pictures (and I'm not even posting half of them here) I'm putting this in 3 posts... so after you see this one, the others are below it. 

my Mom has no idea Jase took these.... 
I liked how he caught her thinking over her trip to the top... 
trying to talk herself into doing it :) 


wedogmomma said…
Gorgeous pics Stef.....And your header is the best!
Emily said…
Give your parents big hugs for me! I have pictures posted of Sherry on my blog. I'll bet your mom would like to see them.
Stef said…
Thanks! Jason taught me how to blur the people in the background, so they weren't so distracting from us :)
Emily said…
Give your parents big hugs for me! I have pictures posted of Sherry on my blog. I'll bet your mom would like to see them.
wedogmomma said…
Gorgeous pics Stef.....And your header is the best!

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