Tuesday's Thoughts

What I'm thinking: That even though my parents are sick of cold, rainy weather, I'm hoping we get to enjoy some soon! 
What I'm reading: This week it was my Bible and How To Behave So Your Child Will Also (my friend Gina gave us this book and its been the BEST parenting book we've ever read!) 

What I'm listening to:
 Ethan is asking if he can have cookies for breakfast :) 

What we're learning: that having family come visit is SOOOO much fun! And Ethan and Rachel have been learning to look out for the interest of each other, before themselves. 

What I'm watching:
 Last night we sat and watched a couple episodes of Lost and my parents had never seen it. I think we sucked them in :) 

What's cooking: Made an Italian stew last night and tonight we're having grilled salmon. 

What I'm buying:

What I'm wearing:
 pj's :) 

What I'm thankful for:
 my parents. 

What I'm creating:
 more laundry needs to be done. Otherwise, nothing is being created this week. 

What I'm praying:
 this week its been very basic. I've been feeling my need for more of God's grace these days. So I've been praying a lot about patience, being quick to listen & slow to speak. Been dealing with some issues we're having with Ethan. 

What I'm planning:
 The rest of our fun week with my parents!!!! 

What I'm looking forward to: the rest of the week :) (and I'm also excited about March - we have a few fun things going on) 


Stef said…
Thanks, Gina! My Mom took it yesterday in Seattle.

The book is amazing! Jason and I love it and we're finding that its basic, simple, every day practicalness has been just what we needed. Thank you so much!
W and J said…
Me too!! Love love the new picture!!!

We got sucked into LOST by family too and we LOVE it! Totally binged on it this past weekend while William was sick and we're finally caught up to season 6. It's so killer to have to WAIT a WHOLE week between shows!! :)
Stef said…
Thanks Jess!

we love the show too. Its become my all time favorite!
I'm having a rough time watching season 6 one episode a week, but I know we'll re-watch them once they're on DVD :)
Stef said…
Thanks Jess!

we love the show too. Its become my all time favorite!
I'm having a rough time watching season 6 one episode a week, but I know we'll re-watch them once they're on DVD :)
Stef said…
Thanks, Gina! My Mom took it yesterday in Seattle.

The book is amazing! Jason and I love it and we're finding that its basic, simple, every day practicalness has been just what we needed. Thank you so much!

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