when they arrived

I forgot to bring a camera to the train station, so we took pictures when we got back to the house. 

my mom was showing the kids some recent pix she took of their cousins. 

I loved this one of Rachel playing w/Mom's hair :) 

Kara got warmed up to Papa right away... 
... and the two of them became buddies all week.

Ethan took this one... 
... and this one

then my Mom surprised him by taking this one...

..... and here was his reaction :-) 


wedogmomma said…
I like the little poll at the end of each post...but when DON'T I like one of your posts? OR find it encouraging???
Happy for your happy visit
Stef said…
I know! I should put a "dislike" one there :)

Thanks, Nikki
Amber said…
I LOVE the new layout and the picture Ethan took of you and Mom is great!
Stef said…
Thanks! I went to your blog last week, just to check and see if you've updated. I miss all the "old" blogs. Darn Facebook :-p
Amber said…
I'm trying to, but how do you get yours so cute?
Stef said…
oh goodness, its super easy. do you see the logo in the far left top corner of my blog? Says something like shabbyblogs or something? Click on that and then click on "background" and you can see all the choices to chose from. I can talk you through it on the phone sometime, if you'd like.
Amber said…
I got that part but I like how you have the picture and your blog title. That I don NOT know how to do.
Stef said…
oh! for that you need Jason to teach you :) That's changing the HTML and the code... not just the settings :)
Amber said…
I got that part but I like how you have the picture and your blog title. That I don NOT know how to do.
Amber said…
I'm trying to, but how do you get yours so cute?

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