a day in the life

Things heard during any day, any time around our house, or on the go. 
I'm sure most of you will easily relate. 
"Kara Joy! Get out of the bathroom sink, before you fall out!" 

"Ethan, take your mouth off the railing - people with many different and bad germs have been touching that all day." 

"Rachel, go to your bedroom and stay there by yourself, until you stop whining." 
and then finding her asleep moments later. 

Kara: "Help me, Mom!" 
Me: "did you lock your toy again?" - then I unlock it. 
.... two minutes later..... 
"help me, Mom!" 
and this goes on for about an hour before I finally say "no more playing with this toy." 

"who on earth threw wet wash cloths up on the bathroom lights?!" 

"Rachel Kathryn, take the straw out of your nose." 

"no eating boogers! they are NOT nutritious!" 

"did you go poo-poo on your little potty or on the floor?" 

"who chewed the top off my pen?!" 

having to hide the jar with chocolate chips in them, multiple times, before I finally out smarted the 22 month old ;-) '

Guest: "why are all your kitchen chairs on top of your table?!" 
Me: "oh, doing that keeps Kara off the table." 

Jason: "I need a new toothbrush head... looks like Kara got to mine again." 

Me: "Do NOT spray Windex in your face - it will hurt very badly and make you sick." 
Rachel: "but I was hot." 

Ethan: "what's for dinner?" 
Me: "your favorite casserole!" 
Ethan: "hmmm... why does it look gross?" 
me: (thinking to myself) *why are you going to bed starving?* :) 

After a fun day out with the family.... 
kids: "now where are we going?" 
Jason or Me: "home." 
kids: "how come we never do anything fun?!" 

Rachel, during her prayer: "and please help Dark Vater not to be bad anymore." 

when all three kids ask to help me cook or bake something with me... 
beginning: everything is so fun, so enjoyable and we're making amazing memories with each other. 
30+ minutes into the cooking, something like this typically comes out of my mouth (while I'm beginning to pull hair out of my head): "all of you go to your bedrooms, sit quietly with books until Mommy is done and I will come play with you!" 
thus began cooking/baking time with Mommy ALL by yourself. 

Ethan comes to me crying, after seeing baby pictures of Kara: "you and Daddy said that when Kara came out of your tummy she was going to be our BABY!"
Me: "she is our baby." 
Ethan: "yes, she was, but now she's big and you guys lied to me!" 

Me: "will you guys help me find my ATM card? Kara got into my wallet again." 

"Rachel, put clothes on your Barbie doll and stop making her naked." 
{we have since then enjoyed the discovery of Barbie dolls with built on ballet outfits} 

"Kara, what is on your face? Is that mascara or charcoal?!" 

ME: "why do you have my bra wrapped around your body?" 
Ethan: "I love the silky parts." 

Rachel: "why do you wash all of our clothes?" 
Me: "So you can have clean clothes to wear." 
Rachel: "hmmm... I think it would just be easier to wear dirty clothes." 

"go take that bag off Kara's head, please." 

"Rachel, those are the Gosselin kids and they're not babies anymore. They're bigger than Ethan. These are old movies of them. And no, we're going to have a play date with them - they live too far away. Sorry." 

"because that's the answer I gave you and you need to be content with it." 

"Kara, stop dunking your tooth brush in the toilet!" 

"are you dipping your french toast in ketchup?!?!" 


Erin said…
My favorite one -
Ethan: "what's for dinner?"
Me: "your favorite casserole!"
Ethan: "hmmm... why does it look gross?"

Ha! What a little punk. :)
Krista said…
Today I found Elijah licking a card someone gave me for Irina. When I asked him to stop (btw, how often do you get to say "stop licking the card!" Never guessed I would have to say that one.) he responded with "But it's my birthday!" (Um, no it's not, and why would that mean you get to lick cards?!?)

Has Rachel been watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Because the Dad in that movie uses Windex to clear up any zits. :)
Stef said…
Haha! I know, Erin... he says that anytime the top of the dinner looks over cooked. so annoying.

She's never seen that movie, but I bet she'd relate! :)
Charlotte said…
My favorite is...

"you and Daddy said that when Kara came out of your tummy she was going to be our BABY!"
Me: "she is our baby."
Ethan: "yes, she was, but now she's big and you guys lied to me!"

These are hilarious and I can totally relate.
Anonymous said…
So much fun to read. Sounds like Kara keeps you on your toes! :) Wish we could get together!!! I would love to meet your kids. They're so cute and I love how their minds work!
Jenn said…
So much fun to read. Sounds like Kara keeps you on your toes! :) Wish we could get together!!! I would love to meet your kids. They're so cute and I love how their minds work!
Stef said…
Haha! I know, Erin... he says that anytime the top of the dinner looks over cooked. so annoying.

She's never seen that movie, but I bet she'd relate! :)

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