I'm taking a poll

And if you chose not to participate, then you can't voice your opinion later, or in private emails to me or on Facebook or any other place. So please, if you do have an opinion on this, speak now or forever hold your peace. 

Several months ago, I had one friend mention that I could use a "read more" function on my website. His complaint was that my posts are SO long and it was taking his computer a long time to load my website up, he thought maybe shortening the posts {until the person clicks on the "keep reading" link} would help it load faster and run smoother. 
Then about a month ago and in the same week 4 of my readers {but all 4 people who don't know each other} began complaining that my posts can be so long sometimes, its annoying to have to scroll so far down, or have to click on "older posts" to go to different pages of my website to find what they're looking for. So I did some research and found the "keep reading" link to add to my long posts. 
And ever since I've done that, I'm getting WAY more complaints about it. You guys are sneaky though - none of you actually commented on my actual post, when I added the function ;-) 
When I saw a comment about it tonight, I decided its time to take a poll and see what the majority of you think about it. Because, after all, I aim to please. 

So let me know... this is your chance! 


Brooke said…
Hi Stef,
I've never really noticed a problem either way. I read mostly in Google reader and never even have to click 'read more' and it doesn't ever take a long time to load, either. Maybe add a 'search' bar to your blog for people who are looking for something in particular?
Melissa Joy said…
Totally unopinionated about it. :)
Now, isn't that helpful?
sarah moulton said…
Do whatever works best for you it's your blog :) but as I mentioned... I prefer it without the keep reading button. Sometimes your post are really long but I don't have to read it if I don't want to:) sometimes I don't have time for more than a cursury glance so I like to be able to see the whole post and not have to stop to click the button to see more pictures (you know how we love pictures:). I come back later sometimes when I have more time :) but seriously it should be whatever you want in my opinion but you asked :)
Nicola said…
Stef, do whatever you want and what works best for you and your time!
I would rather see the whole post though and not have to click on the "keep reading" botton.
Ludicrous Mama said…
I just started following, and I haven't seen a long post yet, but I don't think I'd like the "Keep Reading" at all. I don't like that when I scroll down, the background doesn't move, just the bloggy part, but I know that's a feature of this blog template. :)You can try making the pics a smaller size when you have so many, to help with loading issues, but I'm of the 'put up or shut up' mentality. This is YOUR blog. It might be so that your friends and family can keep up with what's happening in your life, but who are we kidding. Ultimately, it's for YOU. If they have a long time to load, go get a snack! I bring a book to my computer for times when this amazing technology (only a few decades ago, this was Sci-Fi!) is slower than my patience would like.
But as my husband once told me when I was getting cranky that the YouTube video was having hiccups on his iPhone on our way up to Everett one time... "You're watching a video. ON A PHONE! In a moving vehicle! Using the internet! Please respect this technology. A few years ago, people would have laughed if you told them you'd be doing this!"
Krista said…
Ha! Too funny you have had complaints both ways. I use the keep reading button on my blog if the post would end up taking up most of my blog and if I am doing lots of posts together. That way all the new posts don't get outshined by my super long one. :) But if I haven't posted in a while and post a long one, I just put it up there and don't bother with the keep reading because I figure people have had time to read the old posts anyway.
Laura said…
You know I love the read more function. The only reason why i said anything is because one time I went back to look for a recent post and had to click through "older posts" about three times because you'd posted some long photo posts.
It's YOUR blog, you should do what works for you and makes sense to you. It's the thing for everyone to have an opinion about everything and make sure that generally everyone else knows it (look who's talking) but you can't please everyone. I love your blog and I read it because I like hearing about your family. I'll keep reading even if you ditch the read more function. :)
Holly D. said…
I like it either way...what ever works better for you in great for me! However, I do think an extra button to click on seems a little silly. :) Have a great weekend!
Stef said…
Thanks ladies! Its nice getting feed back on stuff like this. I happen to hate the keep reading function on other websites I look at, so I was curious how you all felt. I think I'm going to take Krista's advice and only use the keep reading option if the post happens to be back to back with another post or SUPER long.

Re: shrinking the pictures down... I've been asked to keep them large, due to people enjoying not having to click on the picture to see it larger. We're just turning into super lazy people! :)
Hey, Ludicrous Mama... is that you, Kendra?!
I clicked on your site, only had a few seconds, but I think I saw Zoe :)
Either way, welcome!

Thanks everyone! I really appreciated the feedback.
Stef said…
oh, also... I understand its MY website and so I should do what works best for me, but that's kind of my whole point. I don't come to my own website and look through my posts ;-) so to me, this really doesn't matter, either way. I just know on other websites I DO look at, I've never been a fan of the Keep Reading button. But I also get annoyed when people post too often and I have to go to previous pages just to catch up. Anyway... thanks!
Erin said…
I've been liking the "keep reading" button, myself. But, it really doesn't matter to me either way!
Stef said…
thanks! either way its not hard at all to add or not add. Blogger has added the button to the edit bar, so it makes it super easy now :)
I just mainly wanted to know if I should add it or not. I think I will stick to adding it to the super long posts or the back to back ones as Krista suggested.
Jessica said…
I use Google Reader for most of my reading and only hop on the site to leave comments, but either way I have never had a problem! Love how you have it now!
Jodi said…
Um - YOUR blog, YOUR decision. Anyone who has a problem with how you do your blog can choose not to read. You're being a whole lot nicer than I'd be -- I'd tell 'em to bite me. ;-)
Stef said…
haha, Jodi! That gave me a good laugh and typically, that IS how I've responded to many other silly requests. But this one seems to have bothered way more people (I'll have you all know that 6 of the people who complained about it have not left comments here) :)
and its an easy fix, so I don't mind doing what works best.
W and J said…
I love that you got so many comments on this one!! No opinion! :)

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