its lunch time ....

... and I thought I'd take pictures of my sweet kids. 
We've had a really good start to Jason's early schedule. He and I were up and out of the house by 6am (the kids stayed here in bed, with my sister here) and we were able to have such nice conversation, just the two of us. Enjoyed Noah's bagels with coffee on the way into the office. 
I came home and read my Bible, had a quiet time of prayer, took my shower, got my day started, made breakfast and then went to get the kids up at 8am. It was lovely. The day has gone so smoothly and I can't believe in 2 hours, I'll be leaving to get Jason from work! 
I think we're going to love this quicker than we thought :) 

Here are some pictures I took of this kids at lunchtime. 


Anonymous said…
Loved this from a happy grateful mommy.
Nicola said…
those are such precious pictures of the kids.
Jane said…
I don't like Ethan's Mohawk at all!!!
It makes him look way too grown up! :)
My Zah-Zah looks beautiful & happy!
And I LOVE that Kara has become friendly with the camera...what a big girl! :)
I miss you all--Mom/nana
Emily said…
I am so happy you're going to be back on a more normal schedule! =) The pictures are beautiful, especially the one of Ethan.
W and J said…
Seems like this new schedule is a breath of fresh air for you! :) And my goodness, those kiddos are OLD. Sheesh! :)
Stef said…
The new schedule has been a-mazing!! The kids were all tucked away in bed by 8pm tonight, nice and tired out :)

Mom, I agree. The mohawk does make him look way too big :( I told him that this morning and he said "its not the mohawk, Mommy, its just my body and face."
So there you have it :)
Krista said…
Wow, with a schedule like that it probably feels like the day just flies by before Jason gets home! And how nice to have time together, and have Emily around to stay at home while the kids sleep.
Stef said…
It is nice, Krista! And you're right... the time just flies by. Yesterday we were almost an hour late to pick him up, because 3pm snuck up on me SO fast.
Having Em here has been a blast, on many levels!

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