Jesus before all

We heard a great sermon yesterday. One that felt like it was 'perfect timing' for me personally. I loved the conviction that came along with it. I loved the reminder that GOD is first in my life, not anyone or anything else.

A dear friend of mine went home to be with Jesus on July 31st. Her name was Margaret Hastings; aka Grandma Margaret. She is a woman who God used in my life in so many ways. She was our neighbor for the first 14 years of my life and looking back, I think God had us there for the very purpose of Grandma Margaret being such an influence in my life.
She was 60 years old when I was born and yet had such a zest and charisma about her, I think I've always viewed her as '50 something' :)
We've kept in touch throughout the years, but not as much as I would've hoped for. We called each other on our birthdays, wrote snail mail letters to each other and every time we've had a baby, she is sure to call me after she receives the birth announcement and go on and on about the preciousness of a new life on God's beautiful earth. She would remind me not to hold tightly to my babies, because they're really God's babies. I loved her love for God. It was SO evident and so contagious. Margaret spent her life loving God, serving others and looking forward to Heaven. The last couple of times we talked, she said to me "Don't send me too many pictures - I'm trying not to collect anymore stuff, since I'm going to be going Home soon." I laughed the last time she said it and told her "yeah, but you've been telling me that for years!" ;-)

Much like we heard in yesterday's sermon, Grandma Margaret didn't look back. She didn't miss the past, she didn't wonder and dream and focus on what wasn't real. She put both hands on the plow, eyes upward focused and with her life, said "use me Lord. I'm yours." And 'use her' God did. I can't even begin to tell you how big of a hand print she's left behind.

Every time I begin to feel sad all over again and wish so badly that I could see her or talk to her one more time, I can hear her fun laugh, telling me how silly I'm being, because she'd much rather be with the Lord than be here in all this 'confusion', as she used to call it.
So I'm happy for her. I'm really, truly rejoicing with her as she's finally Home. She will be missed, but my greatest joy is knowing we'll get to chat again someday!

If you have an interest in hearing the sermon, click here. So much I could say about how powerful and good it was... but I'm hoping you'll just listen.


Carrie said…
Oh, I am hugging you from here. (((hug))) She clearly meant something deep to you. It is wonderful to know she is right where she wants to be as hard as that is for everyone left behind.
Stef said…
Thank you, Carrie :)

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